Chapter 20: The Fall of Leifor

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August 16
Maihark Beach

Under the calm summer sun, several figures played around along the beaches of Maihark, while some lounged about. On a nearby patio, elegantly dressed men and women enjoyed wine and the cool ocean breeze.

President Lee set his glass down and asked an elven waitress for a refill. While she performed her duties, Lee felt a simmering heat coming from his left. He turned around, finding his wife staring at him with malicious intent. "Woah, c'mon now Mary. Honey look, I'm just curious y'know; haven't seen an elf well, ever. I swear it's nothing bad or anything..."

"Haha," she grinned evilly. "You're so cute when you're all flustered like that."

"Oh, huh." Lee glanced at the table across from them and saw a few of his buddies in the Secret Service sharing a few giggles. He didn't know if they were laughing at him or something else entirely. "Well anyway, you think it's time to open up Qua Toyne for tourism? Seems pretty nice here."

Mary placed her hands on his. "Yeah, the sunsets are pretty nice too. This is a good place to visit, but by opening this place up... I don't know. I'd hate to see this place get all crowded like those beaches in SoCal or Florida."

President Lee sipped his wine as he rubbed his wife's soft hands. "Yeah. This place is pretty perfect. Looks better than Quila, safer than Louria... it'll be hard finding another good spot like this."

"What about that empire up north? The big one."

"Parpaldia? Well, I did see the pictures and videos from Ambassador Anders and the sailors. It looks amazing, like a real fantasy city, but with like European touches. But I mean," Lee sighed, "I don't have great feelings about Parpaldia. The diplomats we sent are a bit iffy about the place, and the people are pretty arrogant, according to that Kaios guy. On top of that, their capital looks so great, but look at their other territories. It's like they milk them dry..."

"Oh, those poor people," she said.

"Yeah. Makes North Korea look good in comparison. These Parpaldians seem off. I wouldn't want any of us getting stuck there."

"Yeah, makes sense. How about the untouched lands above Alaska? Wait, that makes me wonder: how is Alaska still cold, but those countries above it have like good weather?"

Lee shrugged. "I... don't remember. You can look for Dr. Pollan at NASA if you're really interested, but I think it's because of currents. Something about being lucky with a cold current even though it's lower in latitude here in Elysia compared to Earth. And I wouldn't really go for those untouched lands. Haven't been touched by humans, or elves, or anything. But they're full of monsters and stuff. We could read the Topa Kingdom file as a bedtime story if you want," Lee suggested.


Before Mary could answer, Lee's phone rang. "Can I not catch a damn break," he muttered as he checked his phone, looking for the identity of the caller. "Oh..." He picked up the phone saying, "What is it?"

He listened to the man on the other end speak, taking in the new information.

Mary noticed President Lee's expression. "Is it urgent, Tommy?"

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