Chapter 72: Esperanto

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Note: Before reading this chapter, I recommend you are familiar with the events of Summoning Japan's Topa Kingdom and Esperanto Kingdom, alongside their histories.

Note 2: The next set of chapters will be delayed by a week. Please refer to the announcement and schedule posted on the discord server for more details.


March 11, 1640
Washington D.C.

President Lee yawned as he took a sip from his morning coffee, trudging slowly toward his office. Upon reaching the door, he heard his name being called from down the hallway — a faint noise that slowly became louder as his brain woke up.

"Mister President! Mister President!" Steven ran toward him, papers in hand.

"Steven? What is it?" Lee asked, one foot already in the door. "Is it about the Annonrials?"

Out of breath, Steven explained, "The Grameus continent has a civilization of humans. A drone sent by the expedition found a small, walled nation that is about to face attack by a hostile force. Expedition commanders are requesting permission to assist!"

"Damn, it's still a month before the scheduled operation. What forces do we have stationed there?" Lee showed evident concern on his face, genuinely hoping the troop count was large enough to permit aid.

"The USS America and her escorts, along with a small contingent from the Army. Ambassador Meyer is also present."

Lee sighed in relief, "Oh, that should be more than enough! What are they facing?"

"Sir, drone footage shows minor wild beasts, similar to the ones we've encountered in Topa and in Calamique, numbering in the hundreds. It is unknown how many more monsters there are, due to the limited amount of drones and the sparse satellite coverage of the region."

"I see. Give them my permission. Have Meyer establish contact via manacomm. If the locals permit it, the Thirty First Marine Expeditionary Unit should establish a forward operating base there after securing the area," Lee ordered. Since the Grameus expedition was now set to begin a month earlier, he wanted to set up logistics for easier exploration and survey once the main scientific units arrive.

"On it, sir."


Kingdom of Esperanto

In the heart of the Capital District stood a proud castle of post-medieval architecture. It was surrounded by a moat and stone walls that stretched several stories high, built to keep out the savage beasts that roamed the Gramean wilderness. Unlike most castles that were built with luxury in mind, this one was built for protection. Past the defensive layers, one man sat at the center of it all: King Esperanto.

"Your Highness, I have received an urgent report from the outpost beyond the Kals District," a knight in golden armor knelt before the king, his red cloak gently floating to the ground.

The sound of the knight's armor reverberated throughout the room while Esperanto steeled himself for bad news. "What news do they bring, Mortes?"

Keeping his face down, he reluctantly played his part as messenger, "The outpost scouts laid eyes on the Archdemon Darkshield yet again. This time, he has assembled an army of a thousand goblins and a hundred orcs, alongside ten orc kings and a single demonic knight. Their camp is situated on the other side of the Kenshiva Valley."

The grave news struck the king severely. He rested his arms on his legs, holding his hands together as he leaned forward. "This assembly is unprecedented... Has the Kals garrison been informed?"

"Yes, Your Highness. They request reinforcements."

King Esperanto nodded. If the Kals District fell, the kingdom would lose a significant agricultural exporter, along with twenty thousand souls. He didn't think the army fielded by Darkshield would be strong enough to devastate the district, but he worried about a potential diversionary attack. Other scout reports have noted the presence of upwards of a hundred demonic knights under Darkshield's command. The enemy used his kingdom's stationary position and lack of intelligence to its advantage, cleverly utilizing the fog of war to confuse and disorient the defenders. King Esperanto wouldn't allow the enemies of humanity to triumph. "Gather a hundred men to act as forward scouts. Send them in pairs of two and equip them with signal flares; spread them across our northern and southern flanks. Send a thousand men directly to the Kals District and prepare to bolster our artillery forces there. Deploy a thousand men each to the secondary layer cities of Hurst and Trost. If our scouts detect invasion from the north or south, they will serve as quick reinforcements. If the northern and southern borders are clear, they can reinforce the Kals district."

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