Chapter 114: Calm Before the Storm

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September 15, 2022 (1640 Elysian Year)
Ragna, Gra Valkas Empire

A lone UQ-2 reconnaissance aircraft hid in the skies above, imperceptible to both the naked eye and the most powerful sensors the Gra Valkas Empire had to offer. Deemed the successor to the U-2, this powerful new aircraft saw everything on the ground with perfect clarity, gathering data in numerous spectrums and relaying it back to its master. Unaware of the plane, the Gra Valkans continued their war preparations without concern.


Emperor Gra Lux watched his grand fleet come together at sea, a blanket of shining steel stretching to infinity. At his command, a thousand ships consolidated into a mighty force, hailing from all corners of his glorious empire. Even then, the sight before him did not even represent the full extent of his power; a thousand more ships were additionally scattered throughout the oceans around Mu, ready to strike at auxiliary targets. After months of careful planning and aggressive campaigning, Gra Lux was finally able to deploy the neglected fleets that had been sitting about since the transference. Instead of being a financial drain, these painstakingly-maintained warships – along with other equipment meant to dominate the entire planet of Yggdra – would finally be of use.

Still, Gra Lux was careful enough not to let the power of his massive war machine blind him. He knew that conquering Elysia wasn't the same as conquering Yggdra, especially with the existence of hyper-advanced foes and magical enigmas. Taking caution not to agitate these powerful forces, he decided to end the war as quickly as possible. By blitzing through Mu and forcing the EDI to surrender early, he hoped to secure as much territory as possible and impose as beneficial conditions as possible before the Americans could intervene. This means he had to conquer Mu and defeat the Holy Mirishial Empire within two months.

Gra Lux smirked. He recalled something he read from an American history book. On Earth, a familiar power called Nazi Germany managed to subjugate a neighboring power — France — in just six weeks. If a nation on Earth could easily conquer a powerful nation in such a short amount of time, then surely his Empire would be able to crush technologically inferior enemies with even greater ease. Bearing these thoughts in mind, he emboldened himself for the big announcement.

Behind the throne room's extended balcony, his entourage of subordinates awaited him. Gra Lux turned to them, satisfied with the assembled fleet at the harbor. With an ecstatic grin on his face, he beckoned them to come forward. They complied, walking toward the balcony with their emperor, where they were greeted by bright sunlight and a massive, cheering horde of citizens below.

The cadre of elites, led by Emperor Gra Lux, waved to the people below. Their cheers grew at the sight of the Emperor's figure, which was enhanced by his ceremonial crimson uniform adorned with golden epaulets. Cameras on the ground and on rooftops were trained directly on the emperor, all waiting for his speech.

Emperor Gra Lux raised his hand, palm facing out toward the audience, silencing them. The applause ceased as the citizens held their breath, hearts swelling with pride at the commencement of a long-awaited invasion. Finally, he addressed his people.

"Citizens of the Gra Valkas Empire, today we stand at the precipice of obtaining the glory that our great nation deserves! It has been a grueling, centuries-long journey since my forefather, the late Emperor Gra Terminus first dreamed of global conquest. After vanquishing foe after foe, city after city, empire after empire, we finally arrived at the point when we were ready to take all of Yggdra for ourselves! Alas, we were unable to take Yggdra because our great empire was transported to this planet. At first, I lamented this; global conquest was at my fingertips, and it was swiped away from me. Now, I realize that this transference was not a curse, but rather a blessing. With this transference, we were given access to a larger planet, one with wonders, riches, and magic known only in legends! And so, I, Emperor Gra Lux, shall now seize these legendary wonders for the benefit of our people. With the authority vested in me as emperor, I hereby declare the start of our conquest!"

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