Chapter 125: Divide and Conquer

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October 25, 1640
Somewhere in the Artticus Ocean
GVN First Conquest Fleet
GVS Grade Atlastar

Admiral Caesar looked at the transcribed message from Mirkenses, eyes darting back and forth and face remaining emotionless as he read it. The Kainian script was oddly familiar to the Americans' English alphabet, with the language itself sharing similarities to American English. However, the words and grammar had curious deviations.

Captain Luxtal stood beside Caesar, peering over at the message, but unable to understand it. "I'm surprised you can read Kainian, sir," he said with a hint of detestment.

"Understanding the enemy is a weapon in and of itself, and it seems the Americans have their own version of these teachings," Caesar replied, holding up a copy of Sun Tzu's The Art of War. "Plus, encoding our messages with languages from Yggdra should prove useful for a time, since the Americans have no definitive record of our world's history or cultures."

Luxtal nodded, understanding the reasoning behind the navy's new change. "Who could've thought the Kainians would actually be helping us," he said with a bit of amusement in his tone. "So, what does it say, sir?"

In consideration for his aides and Captain Luxtal, Caesar read aloud, "The Second Conquest Fleet reports success in taking Karvland and Merez. They've also completed mine laying operations along the Americans' standard shipping lanes, so all American convoys are now forced to take a longer route through the Ammoran Ocean near the Annonrial Empire. Battlegroups from the Second Conquest Fleet are now harassing coastal defenses along Mirishial's southwestern border, while their Pal Chimerae continue to defend their most important ports."

"That means we'll have difficulty capturing Hytal Base..." Captain Luxtal pointed out.
Caesar agreed, "An astute observation, Captain." He walked over to a map of the Artticus Ocean, which was laden with pieces representing Gra Valkan and EDI units. He took a deep breath before diving into his explanation, "The Mirishials currently have two Pal Chimerae units watching over their capital, backed by the Zeroth Fleet. To successfully capture Hytal Base, we prevent the Mirishials from sending reinforcements. I plan to split the First Conquest Fleet into two groups: one will attempt to lure away the Zeroth Fleet; the other will focus on assaulting Hytal Base itself. Our goal is to keep the Zeroth Fleet occupied while we destroy the Sixth Fleet and capture Hytal Base. Once Hytal Base falls, we use the captured base as a buffer to contain Mirishial forces to their continent."

Luxtal and the other aides nodded, grasping the idea.

"How will we split our forces?" Luxtal asked.

"We'll deploy the First and Second Battle Groups against the Sixth Fleet. Carrier wings from both units will eliminate coastal artillery and bomb enemy airfields while we focus on annihilating the Sixth Fleet. Meanwhile, Commander Herund will lead the Third and Fourth Battle Groups toward the Mirishial capital, Runepolis. He will be outnumbered and outgunned, so we must take Hytal Base quickly, before his units incur too many losses. We can then back his retreat and return to Hytal Base, where we can then begin constructing launch platforms for ballistic missiles. Then, we can begin harassing shipping lanes near the capital. This way, the Zeroth Fleet and their Pal Chimerae will be too distracted to retake Hytal Base from us. It should buy us enough time to construct a missile network around Hytal Base," Caesar finished.

"What about the Fifth Conquest Fleet? Will they participate in this operation?" Luxtal inquired.

"No need for them at the moment, Captain. Their task is to secure the southern flank of our invasion force by keeping the enemy in the Cartalpas region."

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