Chapter 153: The Battle of Cartalpas (2)

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December 23, 1640
Cartalpas Strait
500 miles from Cartalpas
Pegasus-Class Fleet Carrier, GVS Valorous, Fifth Conquest Fleet

Lieutenant Commander Heiner Schull sat at the edge of a metal table inside the bustling ready room of the Valorous. The air was thick with anticipation and the pungent smell of engine oil. Men in leather flight jackets hustled about, reviewing their charts. Technicians rushed by with toolboxes in hand, heading to the deck to make last-minute adjustments to the Rigel torpedo bombers.

Vice Admiral Karl Feldt's voice cut through the cacophony as he began the mission briefing. "Gentlemen, the moment is upon us. Phase One has been initiated, and now we prepare for our role in Phase Two: the Multi-Vector Assault."

Schull glanced at his wingman, Lieutenant Haas, whose face was pale but determined. He knew they were up against a well-fortified position, and the pressure was immense. He had experience fighting against Mirishial Alpha-4s and had spent enough time in combat to tell the difference between illusions and real targets, but the challenge lay in dealing with the Pal Chimera and any other unexpected weaponry they might be surprised by.

"Our MAGINT units have detected increased concentrations of mana signals from grids B3 and E6," Feldt continued, eyes scanning the room. "Our first wave will attack these points, forcing the Mirishials to adjust their defenses. Squadrons from the other battlegroups will then hit them elsewhere as they shift and while you return for resupply."

"As you know," he added, "our focus is to eliminate their anti-air defenses and establish air superiority for our bombers. We must accomplish this objective as quickly as possible, and then strike the port infrastructure before American reinforcements arrive."

A tense silence fell over the room as Feldt's words settled. Then, Captain Steinberg, the leader of the second wave, cleared his throat. "Admiral, the timing will be critical," he said, his voice steady. "Can we rely on precise updates from our SIGINT units as the Mirishials adjust?"

Feldt nodded, his expression resolute. "We will be lifting radio silence soon. Our communication lines will remain open. Lieutenant Wirth's team has set up a radio-manacomm loop with the forward units. We'll have real-time intelligence even if the Americans jam our radio and radar.

"What about counter-measures to their illusions, sir?" another pilot, Lieutenant Vogel, asked.

"Use visual identification wherever possible, and trust in your wingmen's confirmation," Feldt instructed. "Some of them have experience with EDI illusion magic. Stay coordinated, and use feints to verify targets. The EDI mages typically send their illusions in one direction only; it likely costs a lot of magic energy to micromanage these illusions."

He scanned the room again, meeting the eyes of each pilot. "Gentlemen, we're navigating unknown waters. Our success depends on executing our plan flawlessly and adapting as we go. I have every faith in your abilities as aviators of the Gra Valkas Empire."

He paused for a moment, letting his words resonate. "Time is against us. The first wave deploys immediately. Gentlemen, to your stations. May fortune favor us."

With that, he gave a firm salute and the room erupted into action as the pilots and officers headed for the door. Schull and his comrades made their way to the flight deck, minds focused and resolve steeled. The roar of engines and the salty sea air filled their senses as they climbed into their aircraft, ready to land the first blow against the Cartalpas defenders.


Schull's heart pounded in his chest as he guided his Antares Kaiser over the open ocean, flanked by his fellow pilots in a tight formation. The distant horizon was beginning to show the first signs of land, the enemy territory that they were about to engage. The first skirmishes against the EDI forces successfully eliminated outlying patrols, leaving the scene below empty save for the last wisps of smoke from sinking ships.

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