Chapter 50: Secrets Underneath

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January 13, 1640
Albion Castle, Runepolis

A resounding hum echoed throughout Emperor Mirishial's personal study, reflecting his curiosity as he analyzed the pictures presented to him by Director Freeman. "This... What purpose could they possibly be fulfilling by hiding this information from us?" He looked at Arneus, his eyes suggesting that he knew very well what the answer to his question was, yet denied it.

Arneus picked up the magazine, finding interest in the still image of a Pal Chimera hovering above Annonrial territory. "Your Excellency, it would seem the theories of the Preventionists are true."

"To think that those barbarians are indeed the descendants of the light-winged demons makes me ill... Although I will admit, I have been suspicious of their appearance due to their wings," Mirishial thought about the Preventionist theory that suggested the abandoned Ravernals slowly evolved over time, their wings materializing as they lost magical energy and reidentified themselves as Annonrials. The fact that these barbarians displayed high levels of magic energy also lent credence to the theory, while the discovery of a Pal Chimera over their lands cemented it.

Arneus nodded, "I always felt that Bushpaka Lagan felt," he paused, searching for the right word. "Artificial. The way they hold themselves is also unbefitting for the rest of the barbarians we've encountered, as if they've been forced to play some sort of character." As he spoke, negative opinions against the Annonrials grew. He felt betrayed, almost furious that such evil creatures had infiltrated their world, and even the world leadership conference.

"The fact that they continue to keep their night a secret bothers me... If they have access to Ravernal weapons, why have they not dominated the world yet?" He scratched his head, baffled by the actions of the Annonrials. "Their technology could even be advanced enough to contend with our own, considering the images shown here. Why pretend to be barbarians and suffer global humiliation?"

"Might I propose a solution, Your Excellency?" Gears began to turn in his head as he thought about the images in the magazine.

Emperor Mirishial nodded.

"I believe that the Americans might have some more information on the Annonrial Empire. At the very least, they can certainly acquire more. Would it be possible to have Minister Phiam acquire some information on the matter?"

Mirishial sighed, weighing his options. He placed his hands on the table and leaned forward as he spoke. "If the Americans are shrewd, they may exploit this as a bargaining chip. " He scrunched his face in frustration. "Would it be possible for us to perform surveillance using our own spy planes?"

Arneus thought about the technologies that the Annonrials likely possessed. "If we assume that their level of technology is similar to our own, then," he paused, thinking of an example, "Consider our own detection systems. They've been able to detect our surveillance aircraft. It would not be a stretch to assume that the Annonrials are capable of similar feats. Therefore," he reasoned, "I think it would be prudent if we wait for confirmation before acting."

"Confirmation of...?" Mirishial asked.

"Of Annonrial detection capabilities," Arneus promptly replied. "If no international incident occurs between the Annonrials and Americans, then it stands to reason that the Americans have a means to spy on targets without their knowledge. In this case, it would be best to ask them for help."

Mirishial nodded, stroking his sharp beard. "I see," he said, reflecting on Arneus' words. "Wait," he suddenly spoke, eyes widening. "If what you say turns out to be true, then that would imply that the Americans could also have spied on us in such a manner!"

"Regrettably, yes," Arneus spoke in a softer tone. "There likely is nothing we can do about that, although I doubt that would find anything of value from their observations."

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