Chapter 146: Silkark

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Author Note:
No, I do not have any cowriters. No, I'm not going to nuke GVE. No, I'm not going to have the US war crime innocent civilians. No, I'm not gonna introduce ion cannons. I know some of these comments are jokes, but some seem to be serious.

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December 21, 1640
Southern Atlantic Ocean
The Kingdom of Silkark

"Have a holly jolly Christmas, it's the best time of the year..."

The familiar tunes of the seasonal melody permeated the office, their cheerful rhythm bouncing off the Christmas tree that stood near the window. Orbs and miniature presents adorned the tree's branches, glinting under the soft glow of the twinkling lights.

Ambassador Samuel Anders paused, taking in the sight. A soft sigh escaped his lips, the corners of his mouth turning upwards into a smile. Despite the miles separating him from his homeland, he felt a sense of contentment. Sure, it wasn't the same as spending Christmas with his wife back in Orange County, but Silkark had its own quaint charms. Plus, it was peaceful here, a stark contrast from the hustle and bustle that had consumed his life over the past months.

He recalled his recent assignment: a series of high-stakes meetings with the Oni nation of Heiskanen and the Kingdom of Esperanto that sought to expand American investments in Grameus. Though both nations were thankful to the Americans for ousting the conniving Annonrials, there was still some lingering bad blood. Securing beneficial agreements with each individual nation was easy compared to resolving the animosity between the two factions, but he had done his duty.

And now, after what felt like a lifetime of tension and challenge, he had been posted to Silkark. Here, there was no urgent threat to parry, no impending war to avert. Instead, there was an almost idyllic peace, a serenity that seemed to seep into his very bones. It was a place that had the ambiance of a tropical vacation, with its unique flora, warm hospitality of the locals, and the gentle lull of the ocean waves.

Located a couple thousand miles off the coast of Florida, the Kingdom of Silkark was unremarkable save for its extensive underwater oil deposits and caches of magical artifacts. It was curious to him why the government was willing to invest so much in this isolated island nation when they had resource-rich Grameus at their disposal and artifact-laden deals with the Mirishials. But, then again, it didn't really matter if that meant he could finally have some time to relax.

Taking a deep breath, Anders nodded to himself. This was good, this was just what he needed –  a break from the roller coaster that had been his life. He hummed along to the melody now filling the room, moving to pour himself a cup of aromatic Qua Toynian tea, an imported delicacy he had come to enjoy.

Just as he settled into his comfortable chair, ready to enjoy the next season of 'Manifest Fantasy', his phone buzzed. A call from the Department of State was the last thing he had expected here. As the annoyance of disruption slowly crept in, he glanced at the lit-up screen and sighed.

Anders hesitated before picking up the phone, his fingers hovering over the glowing screen. He shot a longing look at the paused show before finally accepting the call.

"Sam," came the gruff voice of Gordon Heiden, U.S. Secretary of State. The voice was filled with an unusual tension, the kind that only surfaced during critical situations.

"Gordon," Anders replied, his tone professional. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

He could almost see Heiden's grimace through the phone. "We've got a situation," he said, urgency evident in his tone.

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