Chapter 76: Diversion

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Velt Mountains

Located to the north of the Esperanto Kingdom and separated from its southern cousin — the Hoover Mountains — by Kenshiva valley, the Velt Mountains served as home to a village of Annonrial workers. Dispatched by the Resurrection Management Agency, these agents conspired to complete several objectives, from the study of demons to the capture of a Ravernal Revival Beacon, hidden deep within the walled kingdom.

At the center of this operation stood a winged man in crimson armor: Blancmar Darkshield. He paced around in front of an audience of his colleagues, kicking cold, tundra dirt around as he suffered a breakdown over the Americans' untimely arrival. "How did they get here?! How did we not complete our mission before then?! How in the Emperor's name are we supposed to secure the beacon now?!" He bellowed, looking to his peers for an answer.

They remained silent, as did the nearby Oni, shackled by their necklaces.

"Damnit..." Darkshield trembled, fearing retribution from his superiors. Although his track record was consistently adequate, it gave no grounds for promotion or reassignment to a more comfortable position. Now, his record was about to be tarnished by a task that he could never hope to complete. "General Bahara," Darkshield said, gathering his composure, "What should I do?"

Bahara lumbered forward, stopping in front of Darkshield and kneeling before him. "Your Divine Excellency," the Oni said monotonously, stuck in a trance induced by the necklace he wore, "I recommend you first submit a report that exaggerates the enemy's firepower. According to the files, these 'Americans' are closely followed by their aircraft and land-based war machines. Although we have not seen evidence of their aircraft, we likely soon will. By inflating their numbers, you can create a reasonable excuse for your setbacks, and can request more personnel and funds."

Darkshield smiled in relief, no longer shaking from fear. "Brilliant!" He yelled ecstatically, clapping Bahara's shoulder. "This is precisely why you're the general! How incredible!" He then turned to his colleagues, pointing to a couple of them. "You and you, get started on a report immediately. Stress our circumstances and add some flare, but make it believable! Bring it to me when you're done."

"Understood, sir," the two men began carrying out their new orders.

Darkshield then returned his attention to Bahara. "Now, general, do you think we can secure the beacon?"


Darkshield raised his eyebrows in surprise, half expecting the genius tactician to say otherwise. "Oh? How do you propose we do that?"

"Your Divine Excellency, I propose we conduct a multi-pronged assault on the Esperanto Kingdom. The longer we wait, the more the enemy can reinforce. Therefore, I recommend we strike from the valley once more, using that assault as a distraction. Meanwhile, a smaller force will attack the northern gate using a Gaulus to create an opening."

Darkshield nodded along, finding wisdom in Bahara's strategy. "Everything you've said is so far perfect, but how do we avoid detection from the Americans? We must assume that they can see any movement along the plains and prepare accordingly."

"We can counteract this by traversing through the forests along the base of the mountain. An elite cohort of warriors — Oni obsidian knights and orc kings — can navigate the terrain quickly and reach the walls by the time our other assault commences."

Darkshield's eyes shone brightly. Barely able to contain squeals of excitement and joy, he readily approved Bahara's plan and set it in motion.


March 15, 1640
Central District, Kingdom of Esperanto

From atop the balcony of the guest house, Ambassador Meyer gazed at the lively city as citizens celebrated the return of the Emissaries following an official announcement from the king himself. The setting sun illuminated the entire kingdom, as if caressing it with its warmth. Below, marines filed out of their residences, eager to enjoy some relaxing down time.

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