Chapter 35: Adapt or Die

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November 18, 1639
Imperial Palace, Esthirant

"Chief Matal," a slim brunette man saluted the wisened legend as he entered the room.

"Admiral Balus," Matal returned the salute, his actions firm and robotic despite his body's somewhat frail appearance and his old age. He then turned to face the Emperor and the directors of the Parpaldian Empire's various agencies. "Your Excellency," he knelt, noticing the relaxing tension of the room.

Emperor Ludius spoke with firm authority, forming an interesting dichotomy with his youthful appearance. This time, he was no longer silhouetted against a background and his concerned demeanor was clear as his face. "You may rise. Chief Matal, tell us of this new plan you've devised."

"Certainly, Your Excellency." Matal produced a large map from his coat, unrolling it on the table. Unlike any map they were accustomed to, this one was incredibly detailed and even provided an inhumanly accurate scale.

Excited whispers and amazed looks filled the room as the surprised Parpaldians analyzed the incredible discovery.

"How devious," Arde commented. "How did you come to procure this article?" He asked as he brushed his fingers over the fine paper.

Matal looked at the dark-coated man, wearing what the Americans called a trench coat. "We should thank Director Vindus for this spectacular acquisition. Would you care to elaborate?"

Vindus folded his hands together as he began, "There's not much to it. We sometimes forget that these Americans are just as human as us. And as such, they are prone to the enticement of wealth. What commoner would say no to a bag of gold coins for something as trivial as a map?"

The military personnel in the room were ajar at this statement. Arde spoke for all of them when he questioned, "But Director, trivial? Maps are crucial intelligence and closely guarded secrets of many nations. The Holy Mirishial Empire shares maps indeed, but nothing as sophisticated as the one we see before us!"

"Yes, Supreme Commander. Trivial. They bask in technology beyond our comprehension — technology that makes the production and distribution of maps such as this," Vindus lifted a corner of the map, "all but a trivial task. Of course, the merchant we purchased this item from was not keen in partaking in what he deemed to be criminal activity. Nonetheless, my agents were able to convince him by playing ignorant and invoking arguments relating to shipping lanes and efficiency. The Americans enjoy freedom and liberty too much to keep track of every person, every conversation, and every product that is sold."

"You speak as if they are capable of perpetrating this massive surveillance operation in the first place..." Emperor Ludius chimed in.

"Your Excellency," Vindus explained, "My agents were able to identify the presence of numerous observational artifacts known as 'cameras', similar to our crystal balls. These cameras are present everywhere: in their vehicles, buildings, and even on the personal artifacts called phones — which everyone carries. Because of this, my agents have had to move extremely carefully, as to not arouse suspicion. We were lucky to get this map; I fear that it will only be more difficult to procure more items from the American homeland."

"That is understandable, Director. You've already done more than I expected with this map. Have your agents remain inconspicuous for the time being. Chief Matal," he gestured toward the map.

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