Chapter 143: Hunter Killer (1)

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Author's Note (Story and Patreon Updates):

Chapter 144 is now out for all Tier 2 Patrons and higher! Tier 2 Patrons and higher will be able to read one chapter ahead!

I will upload one extra chapter per month if we hit a $150/month donation milestone. Donations from people who want to read ahead WILL contribute to this, and patrons will still be able to read ahead.


SPECIAL DEAL: I will upload 1 extra chapter for a successful referral using this webull code. You must open an account and deposit at least $1 for it to be successful. Message me on discord to confirm that you've completed the referral. If you wish to join my investing community, it is linked through my discord server. The webull link will also be available through my discord under #other-announcements.


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Last time on Summoning America:
Gra Lux, Emperor of Gra Valkas, is forced to surrender his throne to Senator Guinea Marix. His family is taken captive, escalating tensions within the empire. Meanwhile, a US SEAL team led by Lieutenant Riley infiltrates Ragna, tasked with a high-risk extraction mission to save the deposed Emperor amidst a city under martial law. Failing to reach Gra Lux in time, they resort to Extraction Plan Bravo – rescuing Gra Lux from a military convoy. Finding themselves in the middle of enemy territory and thousands of miles away from any help, the SEALs steel themselves for the most daunting mission of their careers.


Somewhere in the Valkan Sea
USS Montana (SSN-794)

As the low hum of activity in the command center filled the air, Captain Hargrove's eyes were glued to the array of monitors illuminating the darkened room. The digital clock on the wall ticked away the seconds, its red numerals reflecting in his determined gaze. Finally, after hours upon hours of loitering beneath the waves, his submarines were ready to take the stage.

"Prepare for Operation Hunter Killer," he commanded, his voice slicing through the din like a hot knife through butter. The room fell into a hushed silence as all eyes turned towards him. "Remember, we're not just providing a distraction for the extraction teams. We're striking at their jugular. Softening up the Valkies for what's coming. We need to hit them where it hurts the most."

Hargrove glanced at the clock once more. By the time the convoy arrived at the Ghosts' position, the rest of Ragna would be scrambling their defenses in reaction to the unexpected attacks. Taking a deep, steadying breath, Hargrove gave the go-ahead. "Commence Operation Hunter Killer."

"Acknowledged, sir," responded the weapons officer, a veteran submariner named Petty Officer 1st Class Kevin Taylor. His fingers danced over the control panel as he activated the launch sequence, the missiles' intended targets already selected. In response, the control room was filled with a chorus of machinery coming to life; distant hums of generators and mechanical hisses from pneumatic systems.

"Final launch check," Taylor reported, his eyes scanning readouts on the panel. "Targeting systems green. GPS lock acquired. Missile tubes one through four pressurizing."

A low throb reverberated through the hull of the USS Montana, a bass note humming in the ship's structure. Hargrove could feel the vibration in his shoes, the power of the missile tubes being readied for launch. The room filled with the growing roar of compressed air, the sound echoing down the halls.

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