Chapter 185: Out Of Options

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Author's Note:

Want some more military vs fantasy? Check out Manifest Fantasy, my latest and highest quality work!

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January 26, 1641
Artticus Ocean
IGVN VB-27 "Donner Squadron"

Lukas Adler banked his plane, the sleek lines of his Antares fighter cutting through the sky as he led the remnants of Donner Squadron back towards the GVS Adler. The attack run had been a grueling affair, the Muan La Burkes proving to be far more formidable than he had anticipated. Even with their superior Gra Valkan technology and training, the squadron had suffered heavy losses.

But they had struck a blow against the enemy, and that was what mattered. The sight of one of the La Burkes limping away, trailing smoke and flames, had been a balm to Adler's battered pride. These Muans, for all their vaunted American equipment, were still no match for the might of the Gra Valkas Empire.

As the GVS Adler came into view, a massive steel behemoth amidst the rolling waves, Adler felt a surge of anticipation. The carrier was a symbol of Gra Valkan power, a floating fortress from which they would launch their attacks and crush the enemies of the Empire.

He keyed his radio, following the proper protocols drilled into him through countless hours of training. "Adler Approach, Donner Leader, feet wet, in the break, over."

The response came back, crisp and efficient. "Donner Leader, Adler Approach, roger. Winds 220 at 12 knots, altimeter 2998. Deck is clear for Case I recovery. Report final, over."

"Wilco, Adler Approach. Donner Leader on final, gear down and locked, over." Adler replied, picturing the smooth glide onto the carrier's deck, the satisfying jolt as his plane caught the arresting wire.

He glanced over his shoulder, checking on the rest of his squadron as they formed up behind him. They were a sorry sight, their planes battered and scorched, but they had survived. He was about to key his radio again, to report his position on final approach, when something caught his eye. Bright lights, winking into existence on the horizon, like distant stars suddenly born in the middle of the day.

Adler frowned, squinting against the glare of the sun. The lights were moving, growing larger with each passing second. They almost looked like...

His eyes widened, a chill running down his spine as realization dawned. "Adler Approach, Donner Leader. I have visual on inbound objects, bearing 030. Appear to be missiles, over."

The response was immediate, the controller's voice now tinged with alarm. "Donner Leader, Adler Approach. Confirm missile sighting, bearing 090. Emergency procedures in effect. Break off approach and clear the area, acknowledge, over."

"Acknowledged, Adler Approach. Breaking off approach, over," Adler replied automatically, even as his mind raced with the implications. Missiles? Here? But how... and who...

His thoughts were cut off as the missiles streaked in, sudden and devastating. Brilliant flashes erupted along the length of the GVS Adler, explosions blossoming like fiery flowers as the warheads found their marks. The escort carriers flanking the Adler were hit as well, their decks and superstructures vanishing in sheets of flame.

Adler watched in stunned disbelief as the pride of the Gra Valkan Navy burned before him, the mighty carriers reduced to blazing pyres in a matter of seconds. The missiles had come out of nowhere, catching them completely off guard.

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