Chapter 4: Delegation Elation

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May 4, 1639

En Route to Washington D.C.

Yagou stretched his legs. "Oh my!" He exclaimed as the plane buckled, soaring into the air. The sensation was quite unlike the feeling of being pulled into the sky upon the back of a wyvern. Plane flight had much more rumbling than wyvern flight, but the seats were much more elegant and comfortable. In addition, the plane had a pressurized cabin, so Yagou felt more like he was on a boat rather than something that could fly.

After the initial takeoff, the rumbling subsided and the plane remained relatively steady, only encountering a few patches of turbulence here and there. Indulging in the luxuries of being able to drink and relax upon a flying object, Yagou felt like a king. He pondered the wealth these Americans had; how much money could they possibly have in order to build such elegant flying machines? Even the Holy Mirishial Empire couldn't match up to these aircraft, he thought. Caught on the topic of aircraft, he remembered what he had seen earlier.

"Say, Ambassador Anders, those iron dragons we saw... would it be possible for us to purchase one?" He asked.

Ambassador Anders let out a soft chuckle. "Sorry, but they're not for sale anymore."

"Anymore? Did we miss the opportunity?" Yagou was aghast, a million simulations running through his head.

Anders set his glass of wine down. "Ah, not like that. We used to sell weapons to our allies back on Earth, but we decided to cancel such opportunities on this world. Technological Outflow Prevention Act. Besides, it is extremely hard to pilot one and you'd need a very extensive education and training regiment. This simply isn't available on this planet, except for in the United States."

"I see... How about any other types of agreements? Trade? Mutual defense?"

Anders looked up. "Hmm, trade is something we really need. What resources does your nation specialize in?"

Yagou smiled. This was his chance to shine. "Mister Ambassador, Qua Toyne is a special nation blessed by the goddess of the land! Our land is always fertile, and can grow anything. We are so abundant in food production, that it is the core of our economy: we trade food to other nations for everything we need."

"Hmm... we don't really need food," Anders said, prompting Yagou to lower his head. "But! We might be in need of that fertile land. You say that your land can sustain crop production of any type?"

Yagou nodded.

"Then, we can work out a deal where we import climate-dependent crops such as coffee beans and pineapples, and grow them in Qua Toyne. In exchange, we can set up the infrastructure necessary to ship these items back to the US. We can also open up your region for investment from our companies... in this way we might be able to circumvent the Outflow Act a bit."

Yagou lit up, and so did Matara, who was seated nearby. Yagou's imagination ran wild with the prospect of horseless carriages and exquisite flying crafts all over Qua Toyne. "And... defense?" He pushed.

"Hmm, I don't know about that one. You're going to have to ask the President."

Once more, Yagou hung his head.

"Although, if I were to guess, we'd probably have some sort of interest in protecting our future assets in Qua Toyne. Furthermore, it would be detrimental to our national economy if we lost our only trading partner in this new world." Anders watched as Yagou seemed to breathe out a heavy sigh of relief. "Of course, we might be more inclined to help if there was greater incentive, such as magical knowledge, perhaps?"

Yagou smiled. "Yes, certainly! We would be glad to share our magical knowledge and provide access to our libraries."

"Great! Well, that pretty much settles things, then. We will elaborate on these primary topics once we reach the White House. Oh, by the way, in a couple hours we're gonna be making a short detour: we're flying by New York City before landing at D.C."

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