Chapter 167: Reaction

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Author's Note (Story and Patreon Updates):
You'll like Manifest Fantasy more than Summoning America.
Note 2:
Chapter 168 is now out for all Tier 2 Patrons and higher! Tier 2 Patrons and higher will be able to read one chapter ahead!
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January 10, 1641
Washington, D.C.

President Lee sighed as he sat back, hot chocolate in hand and monitor ready to play the next episode of 'Manifest Fantasy'. The show had become a small but significant escape for him, a brief respite in a world that was as fantastical as the one he watched on screen. Just as he was about to hit play, his aide gently knocked on the door, stepping into the room with a respectful yet firm demeanor.

"Mister President, the strategic meeting is about to begin," Steven reminded him, holding a tablet loaded with briefings and reports.

"Man, I just got to the Adventurers Guild arc. Alright, let's go." He turned off the monitor and stood up from his seat. He had hoped for a few more minutes of escape, but duty called. As he made his way to the Situation Room, he took sips from his mug and mentally reviewed the main topics of the meeting.

He entered the Situation Room, where his team awaited: Vice President Coleman, Secretary of Defense Hill, Secretary of State Heiden, Chairman McCarthy, and other key advisors. They all stood as he entered.

"As you were," Lee said, gesturing for everyone to take their seats. He glanced around the table, seeing a mix of confidence and slight concern among the crowd. "Let's get started." With a nod to his aide, the screen at the end of the table lit up, displaying a map of the Central World with various markers and notes overlaying it.

He leaned forward, scanning the map. Each marker represented a critical point in the current conflict against the Gra Valkans – all scattered around the Artticus Ocean and the regions of Mu. "Let's start with an update on the Seventh Fleet. Admiral Hawthorne's recent actions have shifted the tide, but we need to understand the full picture."

Secretary of Defense Hill clicked a button, and the map zoomed in on the Mirishial port city of Junnaral. "The Seventh Fleet successfully secured the surrender of Fleet Admiral Dietrich's Fifth Conquest Fleet. Our own Fifth Fleet is currently processing the surrender with the help of local Mirishial forces while the Seventh Fleet transits to Junnaral to support our EDI allies against the Gra Valkan Fourth Conquest Fleet."

Vice President Coleman interjected, "An expected outcome, but I reckon the Valkies ain't gonna take this loss lightly. That maniac Marix is bound to have a few screws loose after this defeat; could mean a bad time for our buddies on the ground in Mu."

Lee nodded in agreement, turning his attention to Chairman McCarthy. "Brent, what's your assessment?"

Chairman McCarthy leaned over the map, his finger tracing the intricate web of movements across the Malmund Grasslands. "The Gra Valkans' latest offensive isn't just a brute force push; they're using feint, diversionary tactics, and indiscriminate strikes. The Vice President is right; the Gra Valkans are getting desperate – they know we'll make landfall within weeks and they're trying to secure as many objectives as possible. Unfortunately, our assistance to the Muans is limited. Our satellite coverage still has gaps, and it'll take years to fill them due to Elysia's sheer size. We're looking at about a 30 to 60-minute delay in real-time intel. The Gra Valkans don't know, but it's enough for them to reposition unseen and catch the Muans off guard."

He tapped on the area around the Artticus Ocean. "Clearing this is our first hurdle. We have the Seventh and Fifth Fleets, but the Gra Valkans' naval presence has intensified. They've deployed another Conquest Fleet, their fourth, and it's a sizable force – each fleet has 400 to 500 combat vessels."

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