Chapter 112: Angreifer

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August 20, 1640
Hel's Gate, Gra Valkas Empire

Stashed away in the westernmost reaches of the Gra Valkas Empire, the Emperor's most prized asset operated day and night to produce devastating superweapons for the regime. Secret testing facilities and charred islands comprised the most prominent feature of Hel's Gate, a lonely archipelago haunted by radiation, chemicals, and unwilling test subjects. While the facilities in Hel's Gate varied in their research objectives and specialties, none were more important than the Divine Wrath Complex.

Located on the largest island of the archipelago, this sprawling facility consisted of the most advanced laboratories in the entire Empire, all of them dedicated to one goal: producing weapons of mass destruction. Initially established to bring the Gra Valkas Empire's wrath upon the Divine Kingdom of Kain and make them submit once and for all, the Divine Wrath Complex was reduced to a shadow of their former glory after the Transference. Only recently did the budget balloon to massive proportions, thanks to the recently discovered threats posed by native Elysian powers.

Then, there was the threat posed by another summoned nation: the United States of America. Although they have not taken a directly hostile stance against the Gra Valkas Empire, they have thus far done everything in their power to suppress it. From taking advantage of a non-aggression treaty to supplying the enemies of the Gra Valkas Empire, they have fought indirectly by any means possible. Yet, there was nothing they could do about it.

Angered by this feeling of helplessness, Emperor Gra Lux commissioned the development of new weapons and additionally focused on enhancing current weapons. The Americans might have a superior nuclear arsenal for now, but Gra Lux knew that this gap could only close over time. Currently, his empire had no means of even challenging American technological dominance.

However, if the Angreifer tests are successful, then he hoped that the Gra Valkas Empire could finally threaten the untouchable Americans with Mutually Assured Destruction. Swelling with excitement at the mere thought, Gra Lux grinned as he looked at the towering silvery rocket resting on the launch pad near the beach. It glistened under the midday sun, like a rare jewel perched atop a pedestal. Like an honored statue, the rocket represented not just the best that the Gra Valkas Empire had to offer, but also its hope for the future.

Gra Lux finished his ogling and returned inside the facility, hoping to learn more about the new weapon that was being produced. He left the viewing platform and traversed rows of brightly lit labs as he walked down the hallway toward the director's office. The occasional white coated scientist carrying documents or uniformed commander walked by, adding to the facility's distinguished atmosphere.

Followed by his retinue of Imperial Guards, Gra Lux finally reached his destination and knocked on the door.

"Come in," the man on the other side said.

Gra Lux turned the handle and opened the door to find a shocked gray-haired man sitting by his desk.

He hurriedly stood and bowed to greet the Emperor, "O-Oh Your Excellency, I apologize for not arranging the proper welcome!"

Gra Lux waved his concerns aside, "Not to worry, Director Schilde. This is an unscheduled visit. I just wanted to check on the progress of the Angreifer Program."

Schilde responded timidly, "O-Of course, sir! Please, follow me and I can show you around the facility as I discuss progress."

Gra Lux nodded and the small group ventured out into the hallway, aiming for a storage hangar.

As they walked, Schilde explained, "This facility is currently working on the Angreifer-4, the successor to the Angreifer-3. It is roughly 50 feet tall and weighs up to 40,000 pounds, capable of carrying a conventional explosive payload or a nuclear payload."

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