Chapter 32: The Parpaldian War

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November 9, 1639
Washington D.C.

"I'm Gary Aleut here with ABC News," a blue-suited man spoke in front of the White House. "Following an unprovoked attack on corporate assets in the Kingdom of Altaras, the public demanded an immediate course of action against the Parpaldian Empire. Footage from American civilian contractors and corporate employees have been circulating the internet, exposing people to the horrors perpetrated by the Parpaldians. Although their actions so far barely compare to the atrocities performed by the Lourians, they are much more powerful. Because of this, Congress has convened in an emergency session to determine America's response to this new threat. Back to you, Emily."

A blonde news reporter responded from their studio. "Thanks, Gary. In just a few hours, we'll be covering an announcement from President Lee. Until then, we have several interviews with Altaran citizens who can tell us more about the Parpaldian Empire. Johnathan, how's it looking in San Diego?"

"It's looking pretty busy here, Emily. You can see the Third Fleet right behind me, getting ready to deploy. I'm sure this sight is something that brings relief to many of those who find themselves oppressed under Parpaldian rule. In fact, I've got a few merchants from the Kingdom of Altaras here with me today. Mister Vaana, what can you tell us about the relationship between Altaras and Parpaldia?" He moved a microphone toward a wealthy-looking merchant with Arabic-like apparel.

The robed man shook his head in dismay as he spoke. "We have maintained a very unprofitable relationship with them. Their taxes and seizure of goods did the opposite of benefitting our economy. They were the only clear winner in the exchanges we've had with them, and I'm quite satisfied to see them finally paying for their sins."

"And can you elaborate on the general policies that Parpaldia has in place for subjugated territories?"

Vaana scratched his head. "They usually strip all rights from citizens of conquered nations, allowing them to be murdered by Parpaldian citizens. Those arrogant conquerors don't even need a reason to do this! Thankfully, us 'barbarians' are generally left alone — too pathetic to waste time on. Well, as long as we pay our dues. I suppose we Altarans have been lucky so far, as the Parpaldians have heretofore only asked for some magic gems as tribute. Of course, we disliked the nature of this trade, but it was better than what happened to other countries within the Parpaldian sphere of influence."

"I see," the reporter nodded. "Is there anything else you'd like to tell America?"

"Hmm..." he stood, thinking. "Oh, I heard your kind is quite disapproving of genocide, is that correct?"

"Yes, that's correct."

"Then, you should know that the Parpaldian Empire is no stranger to genocide. The reason why most 'barbarian' countries don't fight back is because of the genocide campaigns that the Parpaldians have enacted in order to strike fear in our hearts. They would prefer not to do this — due to the logistics of such an endeavor — although they will gladly sacrifice resources to accomplish their objectives if they deem that their hold on the Third Civilized Region is at stake. I hope this information is useful to your people."


President Lee silently thanked the Altaran on the news for shedding light on Parpaldian practices. The revelation of genocidal history helped persuade the remaining doves in Congress to push for war, turning a majority decision into a unanimous decision. With a resounding declaration, the American war machine was granted a new target.

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