Chapter 2

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Cassia P.O.V

"Harry will be there." she says. Oh... I stand there in silence and debate whether I should say anything.

"Well, say something." she protests. That answers my question.

"Okay. It's fine. We would have to see each other again eventually with us all being great friends in high school." She nods as John comes in and tells me it's showtime. I hug Taylor goodbye and walk toward my stage entrance.

" Good luck.! I'll be in front row.!" I laugh and nod at Taylor. I walk to the back and stand behind the door. Cheering and screaming fill my ears as Black Roses starts to play. Here we go.


My concert went great. The crowd was wonderful and I got to spend time with Taylor after before she went back to California.

It's currently the next day and I'm packing for California tomorrow. Honestly, I'm more nervous than excited. I haven't seen or talked to any of the boys for 2 years. I've heard them on the radio and seen them on magazines and they don't look much different. Besides Louis's hair, he made it messy again. But besides that, all the same.

I don't look the same either. I changed my hair, starting wearing some make up, and my style is more punk. Now that I don't have a dress code. I wear lots of black, red, purple, and blue. I wear band shirts as well and sports jersey. My style is all over the place.

I'm trying to figure out why to wear to the party tomorrow night when Taylor calls.

"Hey girl.! How's it going.?" she says.

"Going great.! I just can't figure out what to wear to the party tomorrow night." I laugh. She laughs with me.

"Don't worry. When I pick you up from the airport, we'll have 3 hours before the party. That gives us enough time to help you get your outfit, and for us to get hair and make up done. Okay.?" That makes me feel much better.

"Okay good. That makes me a little less nervous." I say. She sighs with a little laugh.

"Scared to see the boys again.?" she asks.

"Well yea I'm scared. I haven't seen or talked to them in 2 years. I'm not on magazines like they are. I look completely different." I hear her nodding. I continue.

"Most of all, what will Harry think of me.?"

"I don't know, but what I do know, is that he's still madly in love with you." and she hangs up.

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