Chapter 22

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Cassia's P.O.V

"UUUGGGHHHH" I scream in pain. Harry shoots up out of the bed, looking at me with worry.

"The baby. It's coming. My water broke." I say between breathes. Harry's eyes go wide and he immediately gets up and starts packing a bag for me. I start to stand up and Harry grabs my arm.

"We'll call the boys and Taylor in the car we just need to get on our way." he says. I nod and feel the contractions coming sooner and sooner. We get in the car and Harry calls Niall, because he's always the one with everyone, and tells them to meet us at the hospital.

I let out another painful scream and Harry grabs my hand. We get to the hospital and we rush in.

"My girlfriend is bout to have a baby.!" he screams. Our doctor
runs and puts me in a wheel chair, taking me to a room. She gives me the epidermal as I lay back. Harry walks in with his scrubs on.

"Okay let's see how far you are." she says. She checks me as Harry smiles at me the whole time. I smile back.

"Well, your 8 centimeters right now so you'll be ready to push in about 20 minutes." she says and walks out. My eyes go wide and I can't believe my baby will be here that soon.

Taylor and the boys walk in to see me really quick. They all smile at me before they have to leave. I give them all hugs.

"Wait Taylor.!" she turns around and so do the guys.

"Go find some scrubs. We want you and Niall to be the godparents." Harry says. I swear I see her about to cry. Niall smiles and walks out.

After about 10 minutes Taylor comes back in with the doctor. Harry smiles and squeezes my hand. The doctor checks me and says I'm 10 centimeters and it's time to push.

"Okay Cassia. On 3 start with a big push. Ready.?" I nod. "One, Two, Three" I start to push and push. The pain is unbearable. Harry is whispering things in my ear that keeps me going while Taylor is holding my other hand. Suddenly, I hear crying and feel relaxation coming over me.

"Congratulations Cassia and Harry. It a beautiful baby girl." I smile and start to cry. She gives me the baby after they clean her up.

"What's her name.?" Taylor asks. I look up Harry and he's crying, looking at the baby, then me. He smiles so wide his dimples come

"Darcy. Darcy Anne Styles."

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