Chapter 12

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Cassia's P.O.V

We're driving to the studio with me and Harry's hands intertwined. My hands are shaking because of how nervous I am to tell Paul. What if he separates us.? Like he did when we first met.? Being pregnant is a lot different than just falling in love.

We announced our relationship to the public a while back, when we first got together again. I look over to Harry and he had a nervous expression on his face.

I squeeze his hand and he turns to look at me. Giving him a small smile we pull into the studio. We get out and go straight to the waiting room.

"Paul.!" Louis says and runs up to him for a handshake. He shakes all of our hands and we tell him to sit down.
He sits on the middle couch as the rest of the boys take a seat as well.

Me and Harry stand in front of him, holding hands. He raises his eyebrow, so we start talking.

"We have some news to tell you and, we want to know if we could announce it on the interview today. We just found out this morning, we know people are going to find out soon. So might as well say it as soon as possible." Harry says. He looks at me and I turn to Paul.

"I'm pregnant." I say. Paul's eyes go wide. He stays in his seat. I start to feel tears coming and I try to keep them from falling.

"Wow." he says.

"This, this is something. Umm..." he stops talking and starts to think. He stands and walks towards Harry.

"You being the youngest, it's different for you to have a child first but that's okay. Zayn is engaged, Louis is about to be engaged, and Liam and Niall have girlfriends. I say..." he starts. I stand there staring straight at him.

"You should tell them on the interview. They will be so happy and proud of you guys and honestly I'm excited." he laughs. I jump up and down as Harry hugs Paul. He turns to me and takes me into his arms, kissing me softly.

"Alright boys, it's time to get out there. Showtime." The boys go out and start talking about their lives. Then the girlfriend subject comes up.

"Good luck." Paul whispers in my ear. I give him a thank you as Harry talks about our news.

"Well why don't we bring her out here huh.?" the interviewer says. I walk into the stage and see there are no seats on the couch.

Harry grabs my hand and pulls me onto his lap. The crowd makes an 'awe' sound and I laugh.

"So, what is the big news guys." she says. I look at Harry and he nods.

"We're pregnant." I say. The crowd goes wild with cheers and clapping. I turn to Harry who's already staring at me, a wide smile on his face.

"Wow. That's amazing.! Congratulations Harry and Cassia, along with Louis and Eleanor's engagement. We hope to see you soon, One Direction everyone.!"

We wave as we walk off the stage and back into the waiting room. Harry spins me around in his arms once again.

"It's official. The public knows and they're so happy about it." he says. I smile at him as my phone rings. Unknown. Huh.

"Who is it.?" Harry asks.

"It's unknown." i say as I answer it.

"Hello.?" I ask.

"Cassia.!" a woman's voice says.


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