Day 2 Part 3

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When I woke up I looked at the clock in the wall. It is the same clock that has hung on the wall since the first time I was brought into this hospital room. It shows I have only been out for 10 minutes, a new record. I hear my dad talking to the doctor.

"Is she going to be okay?" My dad asks.

"Yes, her brain only shut down a bit to protect her. Just like when she feel down the stairs." Dr. Sandy says.

My dad sighs in relief, but where is my mate, Derrick? My grandmother walks in and hugs me.

"He went for a run to cool off." My Grandmother says.

Then my mom walks in.

"Why did you do that? Are you trying for your brother to get killed?" My mother growls.

As you can see my mother does not really like me since her previous pack seen werewolves without their wolf are weak.

"Leave her alone Trudy!" My grandmother growls.

My mother growls back making my dad and grandfather walk in making them stop. Dad made my mother leave allowing me to relax.

My mother was not always like this since she always hoped I would have a wolf, but that all changed as you can see.

"Grandmama is it normal to miss your mate?"

"Yes dear and I hear him coming." My grandmother says.

My grandfather smiles lovingly at my grandmother.

Unlike my siblings I think it is adorable when they PDA while my siblings think it is gross. I guess it shows me there is true love in the world.

I hear Derrick at the door, but then starts walking away. My grandmother looks at me knowing what I a feeling.

"You want me bring him in here?" My grandmother asks.

"It is his choice."

She nods and walks out of the room.

When she walks back in so does Derrick, but then she walks back out with my grandpa.

"I am sorry.... I was...." Derrick says until I pay the bed motioning for him to come sit with me.

He walks to me and once he his next to me he grabs my hands.

"I am so sorry I scared you. Just the thought of loosing you made my vampire take control...." Derrick says until I squeeze his hands.

"Derrick just come sit next to me."

He looks in my eyes then nods. He picks me up gently and once he is on the bed he sits me next to him.

"Mine." Derrick's says but it was a mixture of his beasts saying it as well.

He cuddles me and I fall back asleep just feeling at ease. When I woke up again the doctor was walking in.

"Did I wake you up?" Dr. Sandy whispers asks.

"Not really."

"Okay, well I am just keeping you over night so you can rest easily. Then in the morning you are free to go." Dr. Sandy whispers says.

I nod in response and she walks back out.

In the morning I woke up feeling like someone is watching me. So when my eyes open I see it is Derrick, but he is in a trance.


He blinks and smiles at me.

"Morning mate." Derrick says.

"Has Dr. Sandy came back in?"

"Yes she said once you wake up I can take you home." Derrick says.

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