Day 161 Part 3

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The guards did not recognize me so they growled making me growl back. We circled each other, three against one, before the brown wolf tries to attack. He only scratched me as I dodge to my left making the tan wolf to swim claw me making me bleed on my left side. Then the grayish tan wolf in the middle tackled me snapping at me before I kicked them off making them fly hitting a nearby tree.

This continues until I a bleeding pretty bad and my wolf is attending to our wounds making us lay down on our paws to submit. The guards shift and I see Greyson is one of them before some of the warriors comes with a electronic collar and chain.

It is only used for rouges and trespassers until the Alpha decides what to do.

The drag me to the cells and pulls me into a close one before chaining me to the wall. They keep the collar on because I have not shifted back since I do not know how.

After two hours the door to the cells open and soon my brother is standing at my cell door. I wag my tail happy to see Trace after what feels like forever. I wrap at him while still wagging me tail as he looked at me funny.

"Shift!" Trace says using his Alpha Command while looking at me.

I laid on my paws and moved my tail between my legs whining. Trace rubs his face down in frustration and sighs.

"Think of your human body and concentrate on every detail of your human form." Trace says.

I do and I feel that pain hearing the snaps of my bones and body shifting. I growl as the pain increases, but soon I am in my body naked and I cover myself. Trace growls clearly angry before I fall too weak to keep standing.

"Get me a blanket now!" Trace growls using Alpha Command.

Trace unlocks the cell and I keep crying from the pain of my injuries.

"Alice I am so sorry..!" Trace says before Greyson hands him a blanket.

Trace wraps me up and Carrie's me out of the cells and towards the doctor.

"It hurts so badly Trace."

He looks at me and softens his eyes.

"I know Alice and I promise to punish them." Trace says.

I just cried and hold onto his shoulders until Trace sets me down on a hospital bed.

"Alice?" Jack and my dad asks.

I tried to smile, but I winced when I felt a sharp pain in my head.

Soon I am stitched up and my mom stops by.

"Alice you got your wolf?" My mom asks in disbelief.

My grandma walk in then and hands me some ice chips.

"Yes mother."

"Dear just rest." My grandma says whipping a cool cloth on my forehead.

"How?" My mom asks again is disbelief.

"Tracey leave her alone she was almost killed." My grandmother growls.

My mom shuts up and looks at me ashamed before she leaves.

"Derrick is on his way dear and once he arrives that headache will disappear." My grandmother says.


"He is your mate dear and he is king so he had to know either way." My grandmother says.

"Of course just my luck."

"Dear what happened?" My grandmother asks handing me some cold water.

"We came back from our date and one of the girls that I got into a fight with before was flirting wanting him to come to dinner at her home. So I got angry and shifted shocking everyone in the village. I wanted to toy with her before killing her which ends with Derrick mad using his Kind Command, but it did not work on me. He grabbed my scuff and growled telling me to submit which became a growling match. My wolf submitted and I hugged submiting until he went to check to see if she is okay. I darted off growling just to run around and ended back at the castle in the room before darting back. We got into a fight and I faked submitting to him before darting here."

I finish my cold water before sighing as grandma lightly squeezes my hand.

"I don't want to see him grandma."

She nods while sighing before grandpa comes in. I can see his wolf has most of the control, but his eyes soften when he sees me and completely when he sees grandma.

The funny thing is that my wolf is wagging her tail like she knows his wolf.

"Ashely." Grandpa says before kissing my forehead.


'Yes that is my name.' The female voice says.

'Are you my wolf?'


"Grandpa how does my wolf know yours?"

He smiles and looks at grandma.

"Our wolfs stay in the family, so when our human body dies our wolf is sooner or later transferred to a new member of our bloodline." Grandpa says.

Grandma lets her wolf show and just like grandpa's wolf my wolf knows grandma's wolf. She wags her tail happily before we smelt that intoxicated scent and she say the one thing I am dreading.

'Mate!' Ashely my wolf says.

'Just great!'

'Be happy mate is here.' Ashley tells me.

Yeah after all that happens since our date, not going to happen.

Grandpa growls and so does grandma as Derrick walks in pissed off. He hissed growls back at them before letting his aroma free making my wolf pant seeing him and she takes control. I am literally only able to view as she pants smelling his power aroma before my grandparents leave as his beasts breathe heavily. His eyes so lust clearly as he walks to us.

"Your scent is so divine and your arousal is even more." Derrick and his beasts say as now he is by me.

His nose flairs more making him grab my hand and put it on his groin.

"See what throwing your scent does to us mate?" Derrick, but mostly his beasts says as I feel his boner.

Ashley purrs and pulls him down to us before we kiss heatedly causing us to mate and he licks my wounds healing them a bit more.

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