Day 4

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"I was going to feed from you not mark you." Jarrod hisses before Derrick takes control back. I push him and kicked until he was off of me. "Your an ass." I stormed out of my room and to the living room trying to escape the pain, but he caught up to me. Everyone sees and tries to get him off while he is growling. Next thing I know is his guards telling him something and just like that he drops the current situation. My grandfather pulls me into a hug, but everyone else besides my mother was shocked. While my mother tisked and walks away shaking her head. I was angry still so my grandfather let's me go and allows me to run out of the house to my old spot. Only a select few people knows where this spot is and one of them is my grandfather. I ran to my spot and when I got there all I thought was how could he thoughts. It started to sprinkle rain shortly after arriving, but I did not mind at all. It actually helped calm me down so I stayed not realizing how much time flies by until it is dark. So relentlessly I got up and walked back home enjoying the rain. As soon as I walked into the house here come a pissed of mate of mine. He first checks to see I am okay and when he did not find any injury he growls. "Where have you been?" Derrick growls showing his vampire has a bit more control than he does. "Out away from you." "Are you trying to piss me off...?" Derrick asks. "I do not care since apparently fate gave me an asshole mate. One that rather feeds from me than mark me and runs off whenever his guard whispers him something." He was seething and soon Jarrod has full control before looking at me one last time before darting off. I could his his wolf's hurt right before he darted off so of course I felt a bit guilty. Soon we had dinner after my shower then it was bed. As I lay down on my bed I can't help but miss him laying next to me cuddling me. I turn around in my bed looking at my locked door wondering if he would try to sleep next to me if he has not already left my home pack. Throughout the night I find myself tossing and turning from missing him and the guilt of hurting his innocent wolf.

Just as it felt like I finally got some sleep my alarm goes off signaling it's time to get up to get ready for Trace's Alpha Ceremony. It's a requirement for me to show up not just because I am the daughter of the current Alpha, but also because even though I do not have a wolf as of yet I am still a pack member. So I of course groan, but got up taking a very hot shower to wake me up. As soon as I walked out of my room I head to the kitchen where my dad tells me to wake Trace up. A wicked idea pops into my mind and I nod at my dad. I head to Trace's room and when I got there I quietly open his door. I tiptoed to his bed and jumped on him.

"Wake up!"

I successfully wake him up with him growling at me, but he rolled his eyes at me.

"Dad told me to wake you up."

He stops growling and gets out of bed wearing his pj bottoms I got him last year. Soon the day starts and everyone is getting ready for the ceremony with no sign of my mate. As soon as the ceremony begins everyone is quiet until the feast making everyone over the top loud. During the ceremony I thought I seen Derrick, but when I looked again he was not at least in the same spot, but I felt eyes on me. So when the feast started I looked for him until my brother drags me to the dance floor making me realize our song is playing.

Yup the song that my parents played giving birth to us and the only song that makes my frowns turn into smiles.

I start smiling dancing the Push It Good by Salt and Pepper while his beta dances with us.

No we were not dancing dirty because we made our own dance moves which we have been told looks so cheesy, but we don't care. We keeps doing the sprinklers to the music beat until the song is over and Trance pulls me into a hug before messing up me hair making me push him away.

Yes Trance is sometimes a butt, but we are very close since I was little. Plus he knows if he does something I will get payback soon or later.  Some people in the human community would think we were twins by how we acted, but unfortunately we are not to my mother's happiness. Of course she would be happy about that since I don't have a wolf yet and because It would mean Trance and I would have to share the Alpha Title.

As soon as I felt tired I headed back to my room only to find a pissed off mate waiting on my bed with his eyes showing his vampire is in control. Next thing I know is waking up in a different bed in a unknown room. I jump out of bed and rush to the windows seeing the forest. I looked around and when I realize I am no longer in my home pack I panic trying to open the windows. To my dismay they are sealed shut never to be opened ever. So I tried the bathroom to get the same result and then the bedroom door just to find it locked. I start to panic more making the room seem to be closing in on me. That was until the door unlocks and in comes my mate.

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