Day 66

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Right now I am stuck in my room again since I kicked my mate out when I worked up to him kissing my neck. Hell yeah I blocked the door after kicking where the sun does not shine and pushing him out. I had to use all the heavy furniture so yup I slept on the bed against the dresser and other furniture. As I am tracing where he feeds from I hear him hissing near the door. "Go away Jarrod!" "MINE!" Jarrod hisses. Unlike the other times I finally have some privacy while locked in here. "Go away." I hear him hiss and then silence. "Mine please." Derrick says. Something in his voice made a piece of my heart break. "Why so you can punish me?" "No." Derrick says. "Then why should I?" "Because your my mate and I need you." Derrick says. "Why? Let me guess it is feeding time and Jarrod is hungry." I hear a sigh before hissing. "Let me in mate or else!" Jarrod says. "Or else what? You can not kill me without killing you. What can be worse than being stuck here only to be your personal blood source?" I hear his hissing, but then I hear whimpering. "Please mate you are more than that at least to me." Jake whimpers. I felt a tear slip out of my eyes and before I know it I am moving the furniture away from the door. As soon as it is cleared Jake walks in seeing my face soaked with tears. He then opens his arms and I ran into them feeling safe and loved when his arms wrapped around me. Once I am only hiccuping I noticed he his breathing what he calls my scent. I pull back and see he is having a hard time keeping control from Jarrod. So I grabbed his hand and pulled him to my bed. "Are you sure...." Jake asks. "We both know Jarrod needs to feed and what can happen if he doesn't. Plus I can see it hurts to try to keep him at bay." Jake nods and I straddle his lap. Before Jarrod has full control I kiss Derrick/Jake's cheek. Once Jarrod has full control I move my hair to the side before he starts feeding. After he is full and licks my neck clean I move off his lap and Jarrod give Derrick full control where he is spooning me. So I let my thoughts go free about how Jake and I never have kisses and how much that kiss on his cheek proved he has been patient. Before I know it it's dinner then we go to bed which I am happy the punishment is over.

When I woke up I noticed Derrick was gone, but I could tell he slept next to me since I had a restful night. I looked at the door seeing Grace there sleeping in the chair against the door. With Will most likely standing guard outside my bedroom door. So I carefully get up and did my business with Grace only being in there while I shower. She sat in the corner on the toilet seat so I could have some privacy. The last thing I wash is the area where Jarrod feeds from. I first trace it with my washcloth thinking about Jake and the time since the first second he said I am his mate. I could feel the temperature of the water get colder so I finished up in a hurry while wanting Jake. As soon as the water is off Grace hands me my plush towel and I wrap it around my body before stepping out of the shower. She stays near me helping me out of the bathroom since I broke the hook making it impossible to have my clothes in the bathroom without them getting wet. Once we are in my room I see Derrick he looks up and down my toweled body making his eyes change showing he is fighting for control with Jarrod and Jake. Jarrod won of course making it known he needs to feed. He dismisses Grace and as soon as I am in front of him he sits down on my bed. I look at Derrick's body seeing his hair is styled, but still messy like he ran his hand through it at least twenty times. His facial expression and eyes show only  Jarrod has full control making a shiver run down my back. I mean I do want us to fully be mated at some point, but Jarrod makes that harder and the wait longer. Just because of his behavior and everything especially when we fight, which only happens when Jarrod has full control. I continue looking until Jarrod reaches out grabbing my hand. I then look into his eyes seeing the hunger and lust, but mostly hunger. I then straddle his lap forgetting that I am only in a towel until I feel his hands groping my ass while his fangs sink into my neck. It actually made it more pleasurable having him grope my ass massaging it and his boner poking me. I let a moan out causing Jarrod to become needy and in a flash he is above me with my back on my blankets. I looked into his eyes and see lust, but then he looks at my lips only to sink his fangs back into my neck. This time he starts grinding on me while feeding and groping my ass making moans slip out until someone knocks.


Jarrod removes his fangs hissing clearly pissed someone is interrupting. The knocking continues though until Jarrod flings the door open still having a massive boner pissing me off. There standing is what the werewolf community calls his beta making me more than pissed when he whispers to Jarrod and Jarrod leaves not once looking back at me or licking the spot clean. So I get up in tears and clean the area putting pressure to stop the light bleeding. Soon Grace walks in and I get dress then Will walks in. Their body language tells me they know something, but as I pester them to tell me they only tell me they can not. So when their guard is down, thinking today would be an easy guarding me day, I darted out of my room away from them with this newly energized energy. I picked up my speed hearing them chasing me and as I run away I feel the energy become even stronger. I keep running until I accidentally bump into a female I never met.

"I am....."

She pushes me back making something in me snap. I push her harder starting the fight until I punched her that's when Derrick shows up. He of course breaks it up and prevents us from even getting into it. Soon we are in his office with him trying to get to the bottom of it. Of course he takes her side making me even more pissed off.

"Of course you take her side!"

I was yelling at this point hurt and feeling betrayed.

"What do you mean? You punched my younger sister." Derrick says.

"I was about to apologizing when she pushed me back snapping something in me. Plus you and Jarrod always take the other side rather than mine!"

I am being punished and it is to stay in his office.

"No I do not mate." Derrick and Jarrod hisses.

"Yes you do!"

"Every time I get into a fight or someone is hurt besides me it's always my fault since you only punish me!"

"I punish them too just not like I do to you." Derrick sighs pinching his nose.

"No you do not! You treat me like I am always at fault when you have no time for me!"

I was crying now feeling the rejection each time he has left me rather than spend time with me.

Derrick gets up from his desk now fully having control. He then walks to me squatting between my legs and wipes my tears away. I look at him and see Jake starting to have control.

"I am sorry love...."

I wrap my arms around his neck holding onto him and he wraps his arms around me picking me up only setting me down on his lap. We stay like this until I am calm and Jarrod shows up.

"What were you doing without your guards?" Jarrod asks hissing a bit.

"I was running needing to get out of the room since you left me hot and bothered feeling rejected."

Jarrod kisses the area he feeds from before sighing.

"I did not mean to make you feel rejected mine. I just had unexpected important duties come up that I had to attend to as the Vampire King." Jarrod says gripping my ass holding me impossibly closer to him.

"What was them that was so important not to complete our mate bond while I was so horney that all I wanted was for all of you guy to mate with me."

Jarrod looks at me trying to decide if he should tell me.

"Shirley came her early and I had not been notified about it until it was too late to keep her away." Jarrod says.

"Who is Shirley and what do you mean?"

"Shirley is the female you got into a fight with today. She is who Derrick considers a sister since he has known her since she was little. And what I mean is she is a vampire hybrid that has not learned how to fully control herself and her beasts." Jarrod and Jake says.

I know they are sharing control to keep me calm, but part of me knows it's to prevent another fight while I am still hurting.

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