Day 156

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When I finally am able to open my eyes I wake up in the bed while Derrick is sitting in the chair by the window. I looked at him remembering his face after I got injured making me feel guilty until I remembered why I was running in the first place. Soon Derrick noticed I am awake fully and at first he seemed happy, but then sad and angry.

"Why?" Derrick asks as his face shows more of his sadness.

"Because you always stop us from completing our mate bond. I was beyond pissed, hurt, and angry when you stopped us when she bargained in starting to cry. And to add the cherry on top you got up with still a massive boner apologized then letting her be in your arms hugging you while you still have a massive boner. Plus you force me to be here like a prisioner. I want freedom not a mate who controls me and acts like my oppion does not matter."

His eyes glow a dark red which means Jarrod almost has full control. And before I know it he is holding me before Jarrod has full control. Jarrod then pulls a bit away still holding onto me hissing.

"Mate will never leave me. I have finally found you after twenty centries of being alive!" He says while hissing.

"I hate you, let me go!"

He glares at me, but i can hear Jake whimper.

Jake is caring and sweet unlike Jarrod who is 99.99% hotheaded, but i never met his warlock being.

I thrash around trying to get free as Jarrod has full control and is hissing again.

"Damn just sit still you have been in a coma for three months!" Jarrod hisses.

I lay back as my body starts to feel a bit tired while so process this new information.

How has he not lost it?

He sits next to me taking the cuffs off while Jarrod gives Derrick back control seeing me listening and slowly relaxing. I watch his movements wondering why I was cuffed to the bed in the first place.

"The doctor had to put these on to stop you from injurying yourself more in the coma." He says.

I just nod as that makes sense rather than them cuffing me to prevent me from running away once I woke up.

I can see his wolf has full control now as he looks at me longing and loving. So I move my free hand in to his hair that is greasy somewhat, but i know his wolf needs some love and praise for not loosing it while i was in a coma. He turns his head and looks directly at me while purring seeming to be happy with this. He leans down and is inch away from having our first kiss after so long waiting for Jake and I to kiss until the doctor walked in ruining our moment. Both our heads turn to the doctor and jealousy runs through me as I recognize I have see this female before with him and I hate it as he is Mine. She turns to look at him more and i lost it completely. I got up too fast to know the pain of freshly healed broken bones and wounds. I push her away and grab her by her hair until i swing her away. He then walks up to me and turns me around as he is about to kiss me, but i move away not caring about the increasing pain and dizziness.

Once i was in my room i packed some of my things just incase before he storms in grabing me since i was standing.

"Mine!" He says.

It was a different voice and when i looked into his eyes they where a forest green like freshly grown plants. Something in me takes over and i start to dig my hands into his hair while wanting to at lease make out. He looks at my lips before pulling me closer to his body and smashing our lips together.

This kiss was passionate, loving, and worry, but mostly loving.

I wrap my legs around him tighter while he just moves his lips down from my mouth and stoping on the spot he will mark me (my sweet spot). I try to hold in a moan, but once i feel his boner growing it sliped out of my mouth. He moves to look at me and then his so called sister walks in seeing us.

I say so called sister because she is not blood and is not adooted, he just feels and acts like her big brother.

I can see she is hurt and angry, but covers it up once he turns to look at her.

Get Out!" He says keeping my body against him.

I look at her as anger and frustration seeps back into me quickly and I can not help, but to show her place when she does not listen. I start to grind on him making this known he is mine only and I will not share him like that.

"GET. OUT!" Jarrod hisses as he now has full control.

Feeling his hissing vibrations and his power while i am strandling him makes this feeling increase.


I faintly hear her leaving after that as I am thrown onto my bed with him hovering over me. At this point I realized after saying he is mine as a verbal acknowledgment I can tell every body (all his three beings and his human side) fighting for control. I was enjoying this as they each fought for full control while we kiss passionately and hungerly. When I could not wait any longer to complete our mate bond I start grinding harder and faster while this happens. Too soon he pulls away looking alarmed before he sniffs and his eyes go charcoal black making me become turned on more. I try to grind more, but he moves away from me darting out the door once i am on the bed tied up from preventing me of keeping him here with me. As soon as he is out the door there is some pain growing quickly, but i do not know what its from besides my heart. Soon my maid walks in having a knowing look and helps me take a bath.

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