Day 2 Part 1

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In the morning I woke up Trace so we can get a head start on our tradition of movieathong (this is watching our favorite movies without stopping).

Lucy for me Trace is a light sleeper and once he is awake he moves quickly.


Now that the he decided which movie to watch first our movieathong is starting until their is a knock on the door.


My brother walks back into the theater followed by a tall hunk and three tall muscular creeps. He looks at me and that is when everything around me seems to vanish besides him. My dad walks in and that is when I noticed the crown tattoo on his exposed arm. Meaning this guy I was staring at is a supernatural royal.

"I am sorry about my daughter staring your majesty." My dad says.

"Mine!" Was all he said before picking me off the ground.

I look at my dad and seen he was shocked and my brother was trying not to piss this guy off by pushing him away from me.


Okay lets take a break to give you some clarity. Unlike Trace, my mom, my dad, and the older generations I do not have a being. In the beginning the pack doctor thought that I would shift later, but so far that is not the case. For werewolves we shift at age 16 and on rare occasions at the age of 17. And yesterday was my 18th birthday so my brother has been supperly protective since I was 16. Before I turned 16 he was protective, but now we think I am just a human he became overly protective even when he was at school. And for my dad he never allowed me to tag along to meetings since he is the Alpha of this pack. While my grandfather is the most respectable and fierce Alpha ever known.


I looked him in the eyes and let it completely register that this guy in front of me is my mate and is a royal. His eyes hardens when I break our eye contact from having my grandfather pull me behind him. My mate stares at my grandfather and looks like he is more than pissed. Both my mate and grandfather growls at each other until my grandmother steps in.

"Don't you see you are terrifying her?" My grandmother screams.

My mate looks at me and instantly his eyes soften.

"Lance she is his mate so stop!" My grandmother says almost yelling at him.

Of course my grandfather stops and relaxes a bit when my grandmother touches his shoulder. And as a kid I have learned that even though my grandmother is the most caring and sweetist person she can if necessary get mean. By that if anyone hurt her family there is not place to hide from her. And before she met my grandfather she was the best warrior in this pack so yeah no one messes with her.

My grandfather looks at her then at me.

"Are you alright?" My grandfather asks.

I nod and then Lacy runs in followed by our mother.

"I think this would be a great time for the talk don't you Terrace?" My grandmother asks.

My dad nods and motions for my mate to follow him, but only one guard out of three leaves with my mate.

"Do they have to look at me like I am prey?" I whispered to my grandmother.

Before she spoke my brother got up and shut the door in their face which was kind of funny since they tried to stop it, but Trace was faster.

After he sat back down our movieathong was back on. And the door did not reopen until the movie was over since Trace thought it was smart to eat 20 bag of jalapeno beef jerky making him chug 10 bottle waters and 20 litters of soda. Maybe he will learn not to eat my half next time. Once my brother walked out my mate walked in. He looks at me and smiles a charming smile that shows his white teeth. Of course I smile back, but once the guards walked in my smile faded.

"You guys are dismissed." My mate says looking at the guards.

Once they all left he walks up to me.

"Is this spot taken?" My mate asks.

"Not right now, but when Trace gets back it might be."

"Trace is your brother right?" My mate asks trying to hold back a growl.


"Well can I sit here for the mean time?" My mate asks.

I nod and watch him sit on the couch.

"I guess my dad told you about me not having a wolf."

"Yes he did." My mate says.

"So now what?"

"What do you mean?" My mate asks looking at me.

"Are you going to reject me?"

His eyes changed from brown to blue grey.

"We would never reject our perfect mate." My mate says in his wolf tone.

"I am not perfect...."

"You are perfect for us." He says.

That is when Trace walks back in and instead of taking his seat back he sits on the chair, but before he does he hands me the remote.

"If you are going to crash our movieathong please be quiet." My brother says and then bows at the end.

At first it seemed to piss my mate off, but then it seemed like he is allowing it slide. So I pick the next movie which of course is Twilight since Trace picked Deadpool. Once the movie started it seemed like my mate was staring at me, but I ignored it.


After the movie ended breakfast was ready. So I of course got up, but fell since my right leg fell asleep because I sat on it all through the movie. Before I hit the floor my mate caught me and carried me to the dinning room. Lacy being used to getting most of the attention if not all sits between me and my mate questioning him. I of course toon her out and ate my blueberry pancakes.

Mate!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن