Day 1

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Okay so the last page was a summery, but to really understand lets start from the day before I met him.

It was summer of 2016 when my brother thought it was smart to surprise me by waking me up with a soundtrack of trumpets playing and a bucket it ice water. HE WAS GOING TO PAY FOR THAT, BUT THEN IT DAWN ON ME THAT MY BROTHER IS BACK FROM SCHOOL (If you can not tell I am not a morning person and everyone knows not to wake me up). I look at him and he looks like he is regretting his choices. I get up and before he can run out of my room I jump on him making him fall onto the carpet face first. Of course once my brother falls my mom runs in looking worried and then my dad walks in. Just one look into my room and at us he shakes his head then walks out. My mother gives me a stern look until my dad calls for her (If you can not tell my brother is my mom's favorite and only son).

"Get off of me!" My brother Trace says in annoyance.


"Please.. I will never do ot again." Trace says almost believable.

"Nope. Now mush."

"I am not getting up with you on me!" Trace says almost sternly.

I think he has forgotten that one scream our grandfather will run in and punish him. Just to clarify, I am our grandfather's favorite while my brother is our mom's favorite and my little sister is our Dad's favorite.


"Get off me now!" Trace almost yells in a officer's voice tone.

I open my mouth about to scream cry when he easily holds me and gets up.

"That is what I thought."

"You are still so a pain in my...." Trace starts to say.

"Now mush, I am hungry."

"Who knew my little sister would bossy me around the same day I come back?" Trace says shaking his head.

"No talking."

After a while like 5 minutes, that felt like twenty minutes, Trace grabs a plate for both of us and I get off his back to eat.


After breakfast Trace hands me a birthday bag. And I ran upstair to grab his.

Yes we were born on the same day, but four years apart.

Running back downstairs I ran into a muscular wall. The wall grabs me before I fall onto my butt. I looked up and there a guy with greenish blue eyes, black hair, sharp jaw line, white muscle shirt......

"Dude, Hands Off!" My brother almost yells.

The guy just chuckles and helps me back onto my feet. His chuckle was making me feel things I never felt before. And that world crashes down when my brother yanks my hands away from the guy's hands and pulls me away.

"Happy birthday!" Our little sister Lacy screams and jumps onto our brother.

Lacy is five years old and is a minute older than Lucy. Thankfully Lucy is at music camp and Lacy was supposed to be too, but because she got sick the day that camp started she stayed home.

"Thank you Lacy." Trace says picking her up and giving a stink eye at the guy.

"Trace." Our mother calls.

He walks off with Lacy still giving the guy the stinky eye.

"So it is your birthday?" The guy asks.

"Yes, well it is both Trace's and my birthday."

"He never told me that he has a twin." The guy says smiling at me.

"Well that is because we are not twin. He is four years older than me. Who are you by the way?"

"I am......"

"Jack you better not be flirting with my sister!" Trace yells.

So his name is Jack, it fits him well.

Trace then shows up in the room and grabs me pulling me away from Jack. He only stops pulling me when I fell making him pick me up just to set me down on the couch. All the while Jack follows us not once breaking eye contact with me.

"Are you going to open your present or was shopping for two hours not worth it?" Trace says glaring at Jack and me with anger.

I open it and see a stuffed black wolf that has a locket attached to it's collar. Inside the locket is a picture of both Trace and myself on our last birthday before he left for school. I was about to cry and hug him, but he stops me.

"There is more." Trace says.

I moved the blue paper out of the bag to see a certificate stating the membership of saving tigers and a coach wallet

How did he know I wanted to start saving tiger?


"A big bird told me." Trace says.

I look over to my dad who is sitting next to my grandfather and bother were smirking.

"Thank you Trace."

He nods and opens his bag with glitter all over everything.

"I guess we are even now." Trace says trying to brush off the glitter.

To be honest it was not me who put the glitter in there, but it dis happen with my permission.

Inside the bag was a black Calvin Klein jacket, a picture of us at his graduation, and a silver watch.

He hugs me and puts on the watch.

Lacy then decides that it was her turn to get attention so she pushes me away and sits between Trace and myself.

The rest of the day Jack was hitting on me on and off, Trace caught us up on everything including why Jack was here, and opening presents.

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