Day 66 part two

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I was crying now feeling the rejection each time he has left me rather than spend time with me. Derrick gets up from his desk now fully having control. He then walks to me squatting between my legs and wipes my tears away. I look at him and see Jake starting to have control. "I am sorry love...." Jake starts to say until I interrupted him with my actions. I wrap my arms around his neck holding onto him and he wraps his arms around me picking me up only setting me down on his lap. We stay like this until I am calm and Jarrod shows up. "What were you doing without your guards?" Jarrod asks hissing a bit. "I was running needing to get out of the room since you left me hot and bothered feeling rejected." I said. Jarrod kisses the area he feeds from before sighing. "I did not mean to make you feel rejected mine. I just had unexpected important duties come up that I had to attend to as the Vampire King." Jarrod says gripping my ass holding me impossibly closer to him. "What was them that was so important not to complete our mate bond while I was so horney that all I wanted was for all of you guy to mate with me." I asked. Jarrod looks at me trying to decide if he should tell me. "Shirley came her early and I had not been notified about it until it was too late to keep her away." Jarrod says. "Who is Shirley and what do you mean?" I asked. "Shirley is the female you got into a fight with today. She is who Derrick considers a sister since he has known her since she was little. And what I mean is she is a vampire hybrid that has not learned how to fully control herself and her beasts." Jarrod and Jake says. I know they are sharing control to keep me calm, but part of me knows it's to prevent another fight while I am still hurting.

After a while Jarrod takes full control kissing where he feeds before this morning's events happens again. He grips my ass pinning his body on top of mine keeping me on my back while he feeds from me. He starts grinding making my moans get louder as I enjoy this feeling of pleasure. Too soon he licks my neck clean and moves away. So I wrap my arms around him and climb onto his lap starting to grind enjoying his boner. He allows it to continue as Derrick and his beasts have control.  When we started to kiss Derrick immediately dominates it as he allows me to continue this loving. That was until someone knocks and enters. At first Jarrod has more control and hisses at them, but when she started to cry Derrick has full control. He removes me pissing me off more as he still has a massive boner. Again that was until he apologized and she runs to him making me past the point of being pissed off and angry. At this I get up and dart out of his office past my guard Will which makes him chase me. I use all my energy and emotions to push me faster as I run around the castle and away from him. I keep running through the halls and cordeners making sure if Will comes looking for me he will have a hard time. I ran a bit faster hearing him call out to me as he is running. I turn the corner too fast not seeing the rug and i fall while the vase and stand brakes. Next thing I know is Derrick screaming orders and I am in his arms.

I know I broke my leg at the least and hopefuly nothing more.

I looked down at my body seeing my leg is definitely broken and a bit of blood. I could also see prices of  at least the vase in me making me fell a bit nauseous.

Why would anyone have a loose run near an expensive glass vase that sits on top of an expensive glass stand?

My thoughts are interrupted as I feel gust of wind making me pay attention to the reality that surrounds me.

As he runs to the hospital section he holds me close to his body making me not really feel the pain. Soon we are in the hospital wing and he sets me on the bed barking orders while everyone is running around. That is before I blacked out from the increasing pain.

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