Day 5

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During the ceremony I thought I seen Derrick, but when I looked again he was not at least in the same spot, but I felt eyes on me. So when the feast started I looked for him until my brother drags me to the dance floor making me realize our song is playing. Yup the song that my parents played giving birth to us and the only song that makes my frowns turn into smiles. I start smiling dancing the Push It Good by Salt and Pepper while his beta dances with us. No we were not dancing dirty because we made our own dance moves which we have been told looks so cheesy, but we don't care. We keeps doing the sprinklers to the music beat until the song is over and Trance pulls me into a hug before messing up me hair making me push him away. Yes Trance is sometimes a butt, but we are very close since I was little. Plus he knows if he does something I will get payback soon or later. Some people in the human community would think we were twins by how we acted, but unfortunately we are not to my mother's happiness. Of course she would be happy about that since I don't have a wolf yet and because It would mean Trance and I would have to share the Alpha Title. As soon as I felt tired I headed back to my room only to find a pissed off mate waiting on my bed with his eyes showing his vampire is in control. Next thing I know is waking up in a different bed in a unknown room. I jump out of bed and rush to the windows seeing the forest. I looked around and when I realize I am no longer in my home pack I panic trying to open the windows. To my dismay they are sealed shut never to be opened ever. So I tried the bathroom to get the same result and then the bedroom door just to find it locked. I start to panic more making the room seem to be closing in on me. That was until the door unlocks and in comes my mate.

"Are you hungry lo..." Derrick asks.

Right as he was about to say love I threw my pillow at him hitting him in his face.

"You took me away from my family!"

I threw my second pillow at him, but this time he caught it. Before I could even move he is right in front of me. We looked at each other in the eyes while my breathe was caught in my throat along with my words. His eyes darts to my lips, but before he could kiss me I put distance between us. He of course grabs my hand and pulls me to him. He then grips my hips and starts at my lips before he smashes his on mine. When I give in his hands moves to my ass squeezing both of my butte cheeks making me moan. Some how we land on the bed still making out heatedly until Jarrod shows he has control. His fangs poke out lightly scraping my bottom lip drawing some blood. Of course he licks it and goes wild. So before he  can fully attack and I loose my will power I kick him where the sun does not shine after moaning of course. He holds me tighter drinking more making my legs automatically wrap around him. He starts grinding making me forget everything until he pulls away licking his fangs. His eyes are still so bright and wolf, but when he moves to lick the blood off my neck there is a knock making me snap back to reality like the spell was broken. I kicked him again in the same area while he looked at the door making him fall off the bed holding himself. I ran to the door and opened it only to see one of his guards. When he inhales his nose flares smelling my blood and his eyes dart to the blood on my neck. Next thing I know is Jarrod attacking him while hissing and letting his power aroma free. I snap out of my daze and ran away from them all the way to the front door where there is a female standing there about to enter. Again where she smelt my blood the same thing happened so I screamed and Jarrod hisses at her while holding me still screaming. Once he kisses where his fangs were I stop screaming and wrap my arms around him. He licks the area clean and when I pulls a bit away I see his wolf Jake has control. His eyes are showing lust, but he relentlessly sets me down on my feet. Soon we have brunch and then we are in his office making out until the female from earlier walks in. This pisses me off, but he takes me off his lap and I ran from the pain. I kept running until I hit a creek with this newly found energy pulsing through my body. I sat down and listened to the forest that surrounds me. Before I know it Derrick finds me. One look at home and anyone can tell Jarrod has full control. He picks me up, spanks my ass hard and darts back to what looks like a old castle. Once he sets me down he places me face down on his lap and spanks me until my ass is red. Of course I kept biting him during the spankings, but apparently they were nothing to him. After a while he leaves locking the door and I fall back asleep. When I woke up I was assigned guards and later that night I met my guards Will and Grace. Both are hybrids, but have learned to control their beasts.

Mate!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora