Day 65

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Once he kisses where his fangs were I stop screaming and wrap my arms around him. He licks the area clean and when I pulls a bit away I see his wolf Jake has control. His eyes are showing lust, but he relentlessly sets me down on my feet. Soon we have brunch and then we are in his office making out until the female from earlier walks in. This pisses me off, but he takes me off his lap and I ran from the pain. I kept running until I hit a creek with this newly found energy pulsing through my body. I sat down and listened to the forest that surrounds me. Before I know it Derrick finds me. One look at home and anyone can tell Jarrod has full control. He picks me up, spanks my ass hard and darts back to what looks like a old castle. Once he sets me down he places me face down on his lap and spanks me until my ass is red. Of course I kept biting him during the spankings, but apparently they were nothing to him. After a while he leaves locking the door and I fall back asleep. When I woke up I was assigned guards and later that night I met my guards Will and Grace. Both are hybrids, but have learned to control their beasts.

It is my second month having guards and I am sick and tired that they do not even give me space to breathe. I mean I get I am literally living with vampires and I am supposed to be their queen, but shit I can't have a second to myself let alone have my bubble not be popped every second by my guards. I also get Jarrod has literally demanded and set rules for them to not leave me and what will happen if I am hurt, but I do not even get privacy in the bathroom to use it. I mean every time I need to use it my female guard Grace is in there with me not even looking away for a second. So yeah I am so not happy and can barely use the restroom. The only time I can is when my mate is awake and is with me. Even when he locks the doors and somehow finds a way to sleep next to me, since we have been fighting more recently, I literally can not use the restroom without him being near. I guess he is afraid one of his members will kill me. Well more like Jarrod is afraid since every time we fight Jarrod has control. The last time was when I ran from his office after Jarrod fed from me all because his right hand man needed him to sign some papers and talk to him alone right then.

No we have not been on a date since being bright here, which I am still mad about. Heck we have not been on a date at all since he came into my home and found out I am his mate.

Since that fight I have been stuck in here because I snapped at him and Grace.

Hey I need privacy to shower and use the bathroom. And even though Grace has a mate I need me time and having my mate there watching me when we have not even mated yet makes me so ugh.

Anyways it feels like every day we are fighting and it does hurt, but he forced me here and his punishments are ridiculous, they do not match the affect/ crime. Like after a whole month of having guards I went to the creek and some vampires did not know who I am started acting like I was prey. Of course Grace was there since Will had to use the restroom and of course she reported it, but only I got punished. My punishment was to be stuck in my room for a week only allowed out to get a book when he had time. I mean I did not start the fight and I was not the one that threw the punch, but yet I got punished all because I did not tell him where I was going and because I side stepped her making her break her nose when she hit the tree.

Hey she deserved it especially after Grace warned her. And she acted so like she was the victim when she started it. I only side stepped her and Grace finished with Will restraining the other when he finally showed up.

Right now I am stuck in my room again since I kicked my mate out when I worked up to him kissing my neck.

Hell yeah I blocked the door after kicking where the sun does not shine and pushing him out. I had to use all the heavy furniture so yup I slept on the bed against the dresser and other furniture.

As I am tracing where he feeds from I hear him hissing near the door.

"Go away Jarrod!"

"MINE!" Jarrod hisses.

Unlike the other times I finally have some privacy while locked in here.

"Go away."

I hear him hiss and then silence.

"Mine please." Derrick says.

Something in his voice made a piece of my heart break.

"Why so you can punish me?"

"No." Derrick says.

"Then why should I?"

"Because your my mate and I need you." Derrick says.

"Why? Let me guess it is feeding time and Jarrod is hungry."

I hear a sigh before hissing.

"Let me in mate or else!" Jarrod says.

"Or else what? You can not kill me without killing you. What can be worse than being stuck here only to be your personal blood source?"

I hear his hissing, but then I hear whimpering.

"Please mate you are more than that at least to me." Jake whimpers.

I felt a tear slip out of my eyes and before I know it I am moving the furniture away from the door. As soon as it is cleared Jake walks in seeing my face soaked with tears. He then opens his arms and I ran into them feeling safe and loved when his arms wrapped around me. Once I am only hiccuping I noticed he his breathing what he calls my scent. I pull back and see he is having a hard time keeping control from Jarrod. So I grabbed his hand and pulled him to my bed.

"Are you sure...." Jake asks.

"We both know Jarrod needs to feed and what can happen if he doesn't. Plus I can see it hurts to try to keep him at bay."

Jake nods and I straddle his lap.

Before Jarrod has full control I kiss Derrick/Jake's cheek. Once Jarrod has full control I move my hair to the side before he starts feeding.

After he is full and licks my neck clean I move off his lap and Jarrod give Derrick full control where he is spooning me. So I let my thoughts go free about how Jake and I never have kisses and how much that kiss on his cheek proved he has been patient. Before I know it it's dinner then we go to bed which I am happy the punishment is over.

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