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During breakfast Derrick kept his hand on my leg which Ashely enjoyed. I on the other hnd was focused on what just happened not even thirty minutes ago.

After breakfast Trace gets up and leaves sti in a sour mood, so I went after him as soon as Derrick went to use the bathroom. I sniffed for his scent of Sandlewood and when I find it I follow it until I reach the gym. I scoped the area before walking in as quietly as possible. Then I see him trainning with Jack. I can see his wolf and him was fighting, but this has never happened before during trainning. I walk to the side careful not to cause attention while also watching Trace.

Now that I have my wolf I want to do so many things that I never got too.

Ashely wags her tail as soon as running fast pops into my head.

I shake the thought and watch Trace still being careful.

After two minutes Jack kicks Trace making him fall on his face making me growl almost as loud as in my bedroom. Jack looks up as sees me before backing away with his hands in a surender position. Trace gets up and storms to me before pulling me out of the gym.

"I can take care of my self!" Trace growls.

"I know."

Both Ashely and I was hurt, but we just whimper as Trace has always been who we looked up to.

Trace soon sighs before pulling me into a hug saying sorry for his tone.

"Why are you not doing your Alpha duties like normally?"

"Ask your mate." Trace grits through his teeth.

"I am asking you though."

"Just drop it." Trace says before shidting and running off.

I shift too and chase him. The longer we chase him the more it became fun.

When we near the lake Trace stops making me skid landing both of us in the water.  Trace just gets out and shakes the water off as I swim in circles. Trace shifts back behind a tree before coming out wearing different clothes.

"Are you enjoying it?" Trace's wolf asks looking at me after taking control.

I soon get out and shake the water off making Trace wet again.

"Shift back behind that tree and there should be some clothes in the trunk that will fit." Trace's wolf says.

I do and when I am presentable I run to him and tackle him down.

"Ashely why?" Trace's wolf asks.

"Not Ashely's idea, but to answer you I thought it would be fun to finally tackle Trace."

"And was it?" Trace's wolf asks.

"Not really, but chasing you was. Why did no one tell me it would be fun to chase in wolf form?"

"You are acting like a pup." Trace says now having control.

"Who cares, I finally have my wolf and I want to do all the things I missed out on."

"Like what?" Trace asks.

"Umm like chasing, tracking, trainning, running at fast speeds, hind and go hunt, etc."

"Trainning is not fun Alice, it is to learn how to fight and protected in any case." Trace says.

"You know I was not allowed, so to me it was funner than being on the sidelines."

After a while of queitness Trace sits up.

"Alice why did you run here?" Trace asks.

"I know you were in a sour mood and i wanted to know what changed. Especially when we never kept secrets from each other like this."

"Not what I meant Alice." Trace says.

I look down knowing what he ment.

"I was treated like a china doll and when I got Ashely he used his King Command making Ashely want to submit even though it does not work on me. I did not want too as she has been a threat not just to my relationship, but also to me. I truely wanted to end her not too quick though. I guess the combination of being taken away, being punished liek I was the one who started each fight, finally mating after being denied in the beginning of my heat, and seeing he was blind to her actions made me realize it was not home."

"What do you mean? The castle is where you rule now and where your mate's home is." Trace says.

"I mean it did not feel like home like here. I was more free here than there and I was never blamed for the fights I did not start. I guess after Ashely wanted to submit to please him I was angry and hurt making me dart back home. I guess to realy summarize it I did not like the treatment and when he took her side especially after using his King Command I got sick and tired of it even though he treats me better when they are not near."

"Did you know where our pack location in the moment or did you just run?" Trace asks confused.

"I just ran until the guards saw me."

He nods and we lay down looking at the clouds like old times.

After a while I broke the silence.

"Trace why do you have bags under your eyes?"

"Not having a mate and all the lack of sleep sibce being Alpha has an effect on me." Trace says and shrugs, but does not look at me.

I knew then he is only telling me part of the reason.

"Am I the cause you are not getting much sleep?"

"Alice....." Trace says and sighs.

He looks off a bit and I know he is being linked.

"We better head back before your mate looses it." Trace says souring once again.

"Trace you know I love you nd if I am the cause I am sorry."

Trace hugs me trying to relax me.

"I love you too Alice." Trace says.

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