Day 162 Part 2

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When we got back we shifted with his help then got dressed before he scoops us up in his arms only to set us in the dinning room on my old chair.

"Stay here please love and eat something. I will be back after the interviews." Derrick says and kisses my lips passionately until it gets heated.

I watch him leave with Trace, my dad, and my grandpa.

"I see you guys talked." My grandma says.

"Yes, but still I am not going to back down when it come to females flirting and or touching him."

Grandma shakes her head chuckling before my mother walks in with plate full of pancakes.

"I am happy you have your wolf now." My mother Tracey says.

"I bet."

"Here you need your energy." My mother says plating some of the pancakes on a plate.

She places it in front of me before leaving only to come back with eggs, steaks, bacon, sausage, and a bowl of mixed fruits. She places them on the table before playing them on a second plate and place it in front of me. I look at grandma and she nods so I eat not realizing just how hungry I am before I finish my two plates and half of an extra serving. My mother looks at me astonished as even she does not eat that much, well besides when she got pregnant.

"Are you still hungry?" My mother asks.

"No, but that was amazing."

"I am glad you liked it. Your father does not like those sausages as the are heathy lean ones." My mother says.

True my dad hate lean meats and really any healthy substitutions.

"Well Ashley likes them."

"Ashley is your wolf?" My mother asks shocked.


Grandma just sits there slowly eating watching us.

"Oh." My mother says.

I get up to do the dishes, but my mother stops me.

"I'll do them, just relax and rest." My mother says.

I looked at her stunned before she walks into the kitchen with the dishes.

'Is it me or is she acting weirdier than normal?'

Ashley just roles her eyes and curls up  into ball.

After eating more than usual I fell energized, but also like I can not move. So I stay here in thhe dinning room with my graandma.

"Grandma can I ask you something personal?"

"Of course dear." My grandma says.

"How did you and grandpa keeep your hands to yourself especailly  when kissing?"

Grandma smirks and looks off liiike she is remembering the old times. To where her andd graaandpa's bond and relationship waz newly fresh.

"When we did complete our bond the first few months it was hard, but staying busy helped. Maybe if you had this talk with your parents may e they can offer more recent suggestions." Grandma says with that knowing look.

That look always means she is planning something. In this instance maybe for my relationshio with my parents to grow like a normal she wolf to her parents. Truth is I do not think my relationship with my mom will ever be like that after all the history. Especially now that she is acting weird all of a sudden after I got my wolf and I told her my wolf's name.

"While I do not know right now if I want to talk to them about this just yet."

Grandma nods in understanding before I get up and head to my old room. Once in my room I relax a bit and layed on my bed smiling at how times have changed between Derrick and myself. I mean he is trying to be more understanding than controling and to top it off he does not deny my wants to mate. I think maybe my problem has to do with that as we have been mating constantly since my heat. Or maybe I am still in heat and just do not feel the pain. Either way just him kissing me earlier made my woolf aand I to crave us mating with him over and over again. I know if we  continue like this we will make my parents grandparents. I know dad might not mind as much as Troy will. And I know grandpa and grandma will not mind as they will have their first great grandchild. I can just see it now just how spoiled they will be by their great grandpa and great grandma. I laugh internally just thinking they would be more spoiled than I was.

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