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    "Mitsuuuu~!" Sasuke sang.

What? Why is Sasuke in my room? More importantly... Why is he singing at me?!

    "Mitsu wake up you loser!" Sasuke said, pulling the covers off of me, actions emphasising his words. I growled.

     "What the hell Sasuke?!"

Fire in my eyes, I grabbed the blanket off him and lay back down.

    "Fine, if you wanna be late then fine by me." He said, disappearing through my bedroom door.

Wait, Sasuke stayed the night and now he was walking through my house in which I shared with my father who just so happened to be our Sensei? Has he gone mad?!

    "SASUKEEEE!" I screamed, running through the door. I knocked into a firm chest, Sasuke.

    "You're an idiot, Sasuke." I pouted, walking back into my room to get changed, slamming the door in his face.

    "I'll meet you there, I gotta get changed too." Sasuke called, stomping down the stairs.

Kakashi can't be home yet.

I pulled out a black shirt and spandex shorts, surely wearing normal ones would cause regret and major comfort problems later on when my thighs start rubbing. Grimacing at the thought, I ran to the kitchen, sparing a longing look at the onigiri. Kakashi told us not to eat incase we puke but I know what he's up to. Torn between loyalty to my team and the blazing hunger pain in my gut, I grab a riceball and start running full speed aheaed to the training clearance. As I slowed, entering the training area, I saw Naruto slumped against a tree with his bed cap still on, snoozing. Sakura was also tired it seemed as she too was slumped against a tree, away from Sasuke. I suppose there's a first time for everything. Sasuke smiled as my gaze landed on him, gesturing for me to join him on the low branch of the tree he was sat on. Pulling myself up on the branch, I swung my legs over, almost knocking Sasuke off in the process of getting comfy. I know Kakashi all too well and I know we're gonna be in for a long wait.

     "I swear you're trying to kill me." Saske grumbled.

I just smiled, leaning back against the trunk of the towering tree behind me, enjoying the very rare silence I get around these people.

    "He's not going to be here any time soon, is he?" Sasuke asked, barely audible. I shook my head, eyes still closed tight.


I felt a weight shifting and leaning against my knees. Opening ones eye very slightly, I saw the back of Sasuke's head, and his legs stretched across the length of the branch.

    "Comfy?" I asked, chuckling at the awkward shape he lay in. There was barely any room at all on the tree branch, Sasuke's feet hung over the edge.

    "Mhm," he grunted, shuffling his weight again, "I thought since we're in for a long wait we may as well nap and get some more energy."

It made sense, but then again Sasuke was so "as a matter of fact" kinda guy, I shouldn't expect any less. I wish he'd losen up a bit. Granted, he has around me, taken a friendly liking to me, anybody could see that. But he was so anti-social otherwise, I know his clan was killed, but you'd think he'd open up to people, fill the void, just as Kakashi had done when mother passed away.

     A sleep deprived feeling washed over me like a waterfall, soon, just like my other three comrades, sleep engulfed me, and I welcomed it's warm, black embrace.

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