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I got home to be greeted by a note stuck to the door with a kunai.

    "Won't be home until late, arranged for you, Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura to go to Ichiraku Ramen to get to know each other a little bit better. Ryo on the counter, love, Otou-san."

    I pulled out the kunai and sighed. That idiot will give me a seizure one day, sticking kunai in the door. Swear somebody had abducted! I went upstairs to get changed and showered.

    "Plenty of time." I thought.

I got my clothes ready, i loved the smell of clean clothes. An aired smell wafted from them to my nostrils, same smell as Naruto. Fresh. The water was boiling, I stepped into the shower, droplets of water bouncing off my skin, utterly relaxed.

    My silver hair fell well below my shoulders, dropping wet. I stepped out of the shower dreading the cold air that waited to assault my bare body. Shivering, I wrapped a towel around my torso, letting my hair drip and dry naturally.

6:30pm. Half an hour.

"Hmm," I grunted to myself, contemplating using he hairdryer or not.


I threw on a black, off shoulder crop top and a pair of waist-heigh shorts. My hair was curling as it dried, I plaited it to help it along. I don't usually care for make-up but I applied eyeliner to outline my green eyes.

I jumped down from my window, saves me locking the door, right?

    Ichiraku Ramen was only around the corner. Racing hrough the streets, dodging through crowds of the evening market, laughter and clinking of Ryo gliding through the air. I plonked myself down on the wooden stool at Ichiraku's.

     "Konnichiwa Mitsu-san!" the owner greeted.

     "I take it you're having, the usual?"

I grinned, "you betcha!"

    "Since when are you early for something?"

That bored, unemotional voice again.

    "When I'm not with Kakashi." I said, poking my tongue out.

Sasuke chuckled.

    "HEY!" We turned, there was a blonde and orange blur, running to wards us, panicking.

    "What the Hell is wrong with him?" I asked, more to myself than anybody else.

Then we saw the pink hair, flowing in motion blur behind her, a look that could only be derived from Hell itself.

    "Naruto." Sasuke growled, annoyed.


Her fist collided with his head, hard enough to make a lump form straight away.

     "You're such an idiot, Naruto." I chuckled, watching him cling to the top of his head in pain.

Sakura sat next to me and shot me a filthy glare for sitting next to Sasuke.

     "Problem, Sakura?" I questioned, without looking at her.

She looked away, her cheeks visibly burning red. Smirking, I thought it'd be funny to embarrass her even further.

    "Aw Sakura-chan! Are you blushing?!" I said, loud enough for everybody to hear, including passers by. Grabbing her cheeks like an old aunt seeing their neice for the first time in years.

     "Mitsu! Cut it out!" She groaned, face bright red from my excessive pinching and her pure embarrassment.

Naruto was roaring with laughter and Sasuke was smirking, onyx eyes staring at the side of my head.

    "Stop staring, Uchiha, somebody in passing may think you're a part of my fanclub." I said, winking at him.

Sasuke's eyes widened.

The owner of Ichiraku's served us all at once, so we started chowing down. I saw Naruto glaring at Sasuke and Sasuke glaring at Naruto. Slowly eating my Ramen, I kept looking between the two, trying to break up the stare-off and get their attention before they possibly kill each other. There was no reasoning with either of them.

Giving up I started to finish off the Ramen laying lazily in the bowl in front of me.


I jumped out of my skin, Sasuke and Naruto were stood up and holding their bowls in the air. Always a competition between those two.

     "You know Naruto," Sakura began, "you really shouldn't challenge Sasuke, it's obvious who's gonna win."

My fist balled and collided with the top of her head, just as hers did with Naruto's only an hour previously.

She's gotta be kiddin' me.

    "OW! WHAT THE HELL?!" Sakura hissed.

   "Naruto," I started sternly, "Sakura is blinded by this boy, " I gestured to Sasuke, "so much so, she can't see anything else. So Sakura wouldn't know how amazing you are, you're a fantastic person Naruto, and one day," I smiled at the astounded Naruto, "you're going to make an amazing Hokage and me, I'll be proud as Hell."

Everybody was silent, then Naruto's lip started to quiver.

Don't cry! Don't cry!

   "THAT'S THE NICEST THING ANYBODY HAS EVER SAID TO ME MY WHOLE LIFE!" He shouted as he jumped at me, knocking me over into a hug. I started laughing and hugged back, squeezing him securely. I poked his nose after a couple of minutes and made him get off me.

Looking at my watch I realised it was pretty late.

     "I best be off guys, we need rest before tomorrow's mission and Kakashi will be home soon." I said, excusing myself from the table.

     "See you tomorrow guys!" I waved, walking towards my home, kicking up dirt from the path.

I think I've got the best team in Konoha.

The Light Within the Sharinganजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें