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    "Chidori." I whispered to myself as the chakra concentrated in my hand.

    A blue glow luminated the dark forst opening where I trained. I smirked as the chakra ball of lightning grew bigger and bigger until my arm started to shake.

I threw myself towards the training dummy in the middle of the clearing, thrusting my fist through it's lower torso.

     "Good Mitsu-chan." Kakashi cooed from above his book.

 I swung around on my heel pointing straight at him with my index finger.


He looked up with his one eye, crinkled in the corners, smiling.

    "I see everything my little girl does." He said patronisingly.

That's it.

    "YOU BAKA!" I shouted as I hit him over the head with my weapons pouch.

    "HEY!" Kakashi yelped, holding his head in pain.

And that's what you get.

    "Aww," I cooed, "did little Mitsu hurt Otou-san?"

He pursed his lips under his mask, pouting, as I started laughing at him.

    "You are unbelievable." Kakashi said as he stretched and stood up.

    "I think that's enough training for today, let's go home."

We started to walk through the brightly lit streets of Konoha, I smiled. I never thought I'd end up living in the Village of the Leaves.

    I thought back to when I was little, staring into space whilst I walked.

"I have to leave, Koroko-chan." I whispered, holding my best friend's hand.

"I have to go and live in the Hidden Leaf Village for a while, I promise I'll come back."

 "But why?!" She whined "Don't leave me Mitsu!" she cried, "Not with them!"

Tears welled into my eyes and I didn't even notice, they were falling down my face before I could even get a chance to control them.

    "Earth to Mitsu~" Kakashi sang, waving his hand in front of my face.

    "Hn?" I grunted, looking at him, realising we were outside the house.


I got out my keys and I unlocked the door. Stupid Otou-san, always forgetting his set of keys.

    "What's for dinner?" I asked as we stepped through the front door.

    "Heh... Rice balls?"

I grimaced.

    "Have you really still not been to the shops!?" I whined.

We had been living off rice for the past week, and I can assure you that nobody can survive on rice alone, three times a day, seven days a week. My eye twitched.

    "Otou-san?" I questioned, playing with the strap of my sandals, trying to get them off of my feet.


    "Are you going to be my sensei when we're assigned to our teams tomorrow?"

    His body froze.

    "Hahaha, no Mitsu-chan, you know that." He chuckled awkwardly.

    My eyes narrowed suspiciously.


He turned with his hand in the air.

    "Honestly!" He insisted.

I turned away from him, still not believing him.

"Sleeeepyyyy~" I sang.

Kakashi smiled, "you should sleep, big day tomorrow."

   My face lit up, of course! Tomorrow was graduation day where we were put into our new teams as Genin rank Ninja.

    "I suppose you're right. Don't worry about the rice balls, I'll wait until breakfast." I said smiling and making my way to my bedroom.

    "Oysumi, Mitsu-chan."


I collapsed onto my bed, staring at the ceiling.

So, new teammates tomorrow huh? This should be interesting.

I closed my eyes, letting the darkness cradle me as I slept.

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