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That bastard! I'll kill him! He takes my family and then he takes the only girl who could possible make me feel alive again.

Sasuke stormed through his house, not caring for what he knocked over and broke. Anger flooded through him, hatred coursing through his veins, and all for the one person he truly loved in the beginning; Itachi. Sasuke growled at the pure thought of him touching her. Doing as he pleased with her. Forcing her to believe what ever he wanted her to believe. Throwing down a bag, Sasuke piled whatever came to hand inside, still surging through the household that was left empty a mere fifteen years ago. Turning around the corner into the kitchen, Sasuke performed the same routine as he did with his clothes; throwing whatever came to hand into the bag, not caring what the hell he was taking.  

    "Sasuke," a voice queried more than anything, "what the hell are you doing?" 

Sasuke, still growling, turned on his heel to face the shrill female voice.  

    "I don't have time for this, for you or your silly little games, Sakura." He hissed, zipping the bag up with haste.  

Her face dropped, fear radiating from her eyes.  

    "You can't go after her!" Sakura shouted, throwing her fists down on the desk in front of her, much like Sasuke had done in the Hokage's office previously.  

Sasuke walked up to her, his face inches from hers, causing a blush to dust her cheeks.  

    "Watch me." He growled, activating his Sharingan.  

Sakura's eyes widened, shock causing her to stay in her place. Sasuke paced towards the door, leaving Sakura to gawk. 

    "If you take one more step towards that door," Sakura snarled, "I'll scream." 

Sasuke stopped for a moment, letting her words process. He scoffed, taking a small step forward. He heard Sakura inhale her breath ready to scream. Letting her see his full speed for the first time he appeared behind her.  

    "One day, you'll understand Sakura." I whispered, taking her waist in my grip with one arm, letting my index finger stab into the vital chakra point at the back of her neck, central to her spinal chord. She fell forwards, falling in Sasuke's arm, completely limp.  

    "I'll come back, one day." He said, placing her gently on the floor.  

Sasuke stepped over the unconscious blossom on the floor, heading for the door, pulling his long, black travel cloak over him, along with the hood to hide his face. The weather was grim outside, an advantage for Sasuke since there'd be less people around to avoid. He took deep breaths, exhaling and inhaling. He had to be sneaky if he wanted to get over the village wall and away. He knew that no doubt the village would be crawling with Jounin and other Ninja looking out for him since he lost his cool in the Hokage's office. 

Slipping between back alleys, Sasuke's cloak rippled in the wind behind him. As he thought, Ninja flooded the streets, trying to look inconspicuous. Sasuke smirked at the challenge. Charging up to the wall he concentrated the chakra into his feet, climbing with ease. Before jumping straight over, he peeked, checking that they hadn't put patrol on the outside as well.  

    "Tch, too easy." Sasuke muttered, slipping down onto the grass outside of Konoha, speeding off into the forest before him, completely unaware of what he was getting himself into. Not that he cared of course. 

    "Here I come, big brother."

I tapped the floor with my toe irritably. Pein had called another meeting for some God forsaken reason. Itachi stared at me from the opposite side of the room, the only other completely solid figure in the cave apart from myself. The eyes of the others started to open, mere holograms.  

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