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Mitsu was fast. Undoubtedly fast. First thing I knew was she was above me in the trees and the next she's vanished ahead. Something didn't feel right, especially not how quiet everything was. On a day like today the birds would usually be singing their hearts out, or the bustle of the nearby town centre would be carried on the cool breeze, yet nothing was to be heard.
     I approached the tower with caution, my one hand rested on my weapons pouch.

What the Hell is going on?

     I felt the chakra in my feet, urging me to walk further towards the Thirds office, but my gut said otherwise. Rounding a corner I heard the muffled sounds of speaking, and a thud. My heart quickened in my chest, practically throwing itself through my rib cage. My feet moved at the same speed of my heart, closing rapidly in on the only window of the Hokages office.

     And then the wall shattered with an explosive bang. Two figures, one with Mitsu, escaping over the rooftops of Konoha. One turned and saw me, his blonde hair flowing in the wind, nudging the person next to him, he let a small bird fly from his hands straight towards me. The other figure turned, causing realisation to hit me.


That good for nothing bastard.

    I gritted my teeth and I stablized myself on a steady branch of the trees beneath me, the clay bird flying at full speed towards me.

Some kind of jutsu? Like Hell am I about to find out first hand.

I threw my remaining kunai at it with precision, causing the tiny bird to explode on a large scale, taking down half of the wall of the tower next to it. Turning on one heel, I bounded towards the direction that Itachi and the blonde escaped.

       "The Copy Cat didn't teach ya very well, did he 'un?"

       I felt a blow to the back of my head, my vision blurred as I watched the blonde escape, once again, laughing as he went, towards Itachi, who was holding what only could be Mitsu.

      If it's the last thing I do, I promise to get you back, Mitsu...

Hours passed. I wavered between consciousness and unconsciousness, each time getting rougher and rougher, my head limp and smacking on the shoulderblade of my kidnappers. The ride was not a smooth one, and nor did my nappers care. Nobody spoke, they just kept moving, anxious to finish their mission.

       "We should blindfold her now." A silky voice purred, dropping me from his arms.

I opened my eyes, the familar red eyes greeted mine, staring coldly. His dark hair was pulled into the same pony tail, draped over his right shoulder. It was definitely Itachi.      His partner, the blonde, stood away from us, tossing Itachi the blindfold.

      "What the Hell do you think you're doing?!" I yelped, trying to get push myself away as far as possible with the heels of my feet.

The blonde turned, rolling his eye has he did so. His fringe cascaded in front of his face, covering his left eye.

      "Shut up, 'un or we'll be forced to kill ya, and boss won't be happy." He spat.

Itachi rolled his red orbs, turning to the blonde, slyly forming hand signs behind his back. Fire spat from his mouth, singeing the blondes black cloak, causing him to squeal.

       "What's wrong with you, 'un?!"

Itachi turned back towards me, muttering as he held out his hand.

     "Get up, we've got to move fast."

His silky voice made hairs stand on end. I obeyed him, too shocked to say anything. My eyes were covered with a grey rag and I was once again picked up and being roughly tossed around as they moved.

       "Deidara," Itachi spat, glaring in the blondes direction, "make sure your clay is set and the traps are at hand. I can sense shinobi on our trail."


I heard Deidara jump into a different direction to the route we were taking.

      "You'll have to apologise for Deidara's incompetance, Mitsu-chan." Itachi purred, breath catching in his throat from running and carrying my weight.

      "What the Hell are you doing, Itachi!?" I practically yelled, kicking my feet at him. He didn't seem to be bothered, he just kept running.

     "Keep your voice down, they'll kill you as easy as look at you." He hissed, harshly pinching my leg.

I yelped and hit him over the back of the head with my fist, knocking him off balance. I couldn't see anything, but I felt his ankle twist. He grunted, otherwise no other acknowledgement.

     After another eternity of being carried through the wilderness, Deidara teamed back up with us and I was set down on a stone floor, everything was again, silent.

     "This is her, Leader."

I felt hot breath on my face.

    "Good job, Itachi, Deidara..."

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