47. grounded

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Saturday, July 8th 2017 - Brookings, Oregon


My mom is going to kill me. Literally kill me. I don't know how but I'm certain she will when she sees my broken nose. I should have stayed at Stella's to procrastinate the encounter with my mother. I could have been lying with Stella in bed right now, have breakfast in bed or something similar to that. But then again, I couldn't stay with her this night. I had to prove a point and I couldn't give in again. I may be stubborn but so is Stella.

I sit on my bed and hear my mother talking to my father downstairs. I can't stay in my room forever. Eventually, I have to go downstairs and face my parents. I'm not ready to die yet.

Carefully, I make my way downstairs and enter the living room. My mom's sitting well-dressed and with done hair and make up on a chair as she is having breakfast, together with my dad. My dad is wearing a suit. The MacBook, which he basically carries around all the time, rests beside his plate.

My mother lifts her head with a little smile on her lips until she really looks at me and catches sight of the support bandage that covers my nose. Her jaw drops along with her fork that she held in her hand to eat the fruit salad.

"Harry Edward Styles, what on earth happened to your face?" My mother sounds aghast and terrified. My dad turns his head when he hears my mother's high-pitched voice and raises both his eyebrows.

"Broke my nose." I mumble sheepishly and sit down beside my father. My mother on the hand stands up to be able to look down at me.

"You broke your nose? How did this happen?"

"I...fell." I say slowly but know that my parents don't buy my lie. Pure horror is visible in my mother's eyes.

"Were you fighting someone? Who? Who was it? I will-"

"I don't know." I lie. I would love to asperse Sam but I also told Estelle that I would give him a week to apologize and decide to do the right thing.

"You don't know? Were you with this rude girl again? Did you get in a fight because of her?"

"That 'rude girl' you're talking about is my girlfriend and her name is Estelle."

"I don't care what her name is, Harry! This girl has a bad, bad influence on you! She makes you drink, makes you fight people for no particular reason and tears you away from your family. You're at her place all the time and you know exactly that we do not approve of your relationship with her!" My mother yells.

My shoulders sink down as I listen to her. I knew my mother wouldn't like Estelle, the very first minute I envisioned what it would be like to be Estelle's boyfriend. And she only dislikes her because Estelle is the complete opposite from what my mother wants for me. But my mother only sees one tier which is being successful and financially secure. However, there is this other more important tier which is love. She doesn't want to understand that I truly love Estelle.

Estelle is reckless and loud yet strong-willed and confident. She doesn't change for anyone which is good and bad but I love how she stays true to herself. Estelle has never been one to devote herself to one person or to fall in love but when she loves, then she loves with all of her heart. And her heart is huge.

Estelle is funny and supportive, perverted and so smart. I love every single thing about her and wouldn't want to leave her for anything in the world. But my mother doesn't see this. She only sees the surface of Estelle, a girl that talks back to adults, speaks her mind and runs her head against a wall.

Night Sky (Harry Styles)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن