13. escape

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                            Monday, May, 29th 2017 - Red Bluff, California

                           My head is spinning and I can't think one sentence to an end before the next one starts. I turn around to look at Beth who is still lying motionless on the backseat of Harry's car. That reminds me that I haven't asked Harry at least once if he is okay.


  "Yeah?" He asks back and pats my knee.

I look down at his hand, trying to figure out why he is doing that and why I'm not slapping his hand away. I told him I don't want him to kiss me anymore yet I asked him if he could kiss me because I needed help me calming down. I just needed something—or rather someone—to distract me, even if it was for only a second.

  "Are you hurt? I mean, are you fine?"

  "Sure, I'm fine," Harry says concentrated and flashes me a quick smile before his eyes go back on the road, "I'm sorry, I got us in danger but Beth...she pissed me off. She really did."

  "Why did she make you so angry?" I ask, looking out of the window.

Her words pissed me off, too but I didn't let my anger take over my mind that badly. Harry completely lost it. I wonder what would have happened if Beth kept talking and I wouldn't have gotten Harry to pull over. We could have been dead, or worse could have dragged another car into this mess and hurt them too.

Harry furrows his eyebrows. "I don't know."

  "What were you thinking about when we were scraping against the guardrail?"

  "I can't remember," Harry replies, "I probably thought of what I would have told Beth if...that hadn't happened." Harry takes his hand from my knee to point at the backseat, and then holds the steering wheel with both hands.

  "I was thinking of Sam," I reply honestly and Harry nods, "He would have been...He would have wanted to kill you."

  "I feel like he already wants to kill me." He says and I nod, chuckling.

  "Yeah, he does," I tell him and stare out of the window as we are rushing past trees and cars, "Can't really blame him, though. Sam is scared I might leave him."

  "For me?" Harry asks surprised and I laugh.

  "No...well maybe. He did ask me why we were suddenly hanging out so much. I think he suspects something. Sam also thinks I hate being in a relationship."

 "Do you?"

 "I don't know. Sometimes I don't know how I feel about him. I feel like he has this perfect image of me inside his hand and is just constantly disappointed because I'm nothing like that. And he's frustrated because he can't change me into that image."

 "You're amazing just the way you are."

I laugh. "Did you just quote a Bruno Mars song?"

 "Not intentionally." Harry joins in laughing and then pulls into a street, "I think we're here, right? Looks like a hosp—Oh see, there's the sign."

I nod and Harry tries to find a parking lot. After we stopped, both of us get out of the car and I hold the door open for Harry as he tries to get Beth out of the backseat of his rather small car. When he has her, we quickly rush into the hospital, Beth in his arms.

  "Hi, we had a small car accident, about fifteen minutes ago and our friend here is...injured, quite badly, and unconscious. There might be some glass in her wound, too, and yeah..." I tell the woman behind the counter who looks very exhausted and tired. Her black hair is tied in a knot and dark circles begin to show underneath her eyes.

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