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                            Sunday, June, 4th 2017 - Los Angeles, California

                         When the clock struck midnight, Harry immediately swerved to the side of the road and came to a stop. He tightly hugged me across the middle divider and handed me a little present. Harry apologized that it wasn't the best present he's bought because he had to do it spontaneously since the others have my 'real' present. However, I really like the bracelet with a pendant of a car that Harry has given me for my birthday.

 Somehow, we then ended up making out in the backseat but we didn't go any further when a car stopped next to ours, the driver got out and asked if everything was okay. When the stranger disappeared again, Harry and I climbed back to the front and he started driving again.

 At about 3 am Harry was barely able to keep his eyes open and he became unobservant. I regularly had to shake his shoulder and tell him to stay awake but after two more minutes they fell shut again. Eventually, Harry took a random exit from the highway and parked his car in a random neighborhood, so we could catch up on some sleep. Harry was the first to fall asleep. He made himself comfortable in the driver's seat, used a jacket of his as a blanket and instantly fell asleep.

 I think I was awake for a couple more hours. Maybe about two or three. In the time where I was awake I used Harry's phone to google some myths about star constellations. I don't know how Harry managed to make me be interested in this but I am. All these myths sound fascinating and I would like to know more. But even I fell asleep after some time and when I open my eyes and they have adjusted to the bright sun light, I see that we are driving again.

 Slightly confused, I look around. The radio is quietly playing a song I haven't heard before but I can tell it is one that was played before my time. Harry next to me has already changed into other clothes. He is now wearing a white button up shirt which isn't buttoned at all. Black jeans cover his long and skinny legs and black sunglasses hide his amazing green eyes from me. His brown curls are tamed by being put into a nice bun.

 He seems to have noticed me moving around from the angle of his eye, so he turns his head towards me and flashes me a quick smile.

  "Good morning, birthday girl." Harry says and sounds a lot more enthusiastic than ever.

  "Hey." I groan and I open my pony tail only to run my hands through my hair over and over again.  I notice that I'm still not wearing any pants but only Harry's shirt that I found in his bag yesterday. When I lift my head there is a cup in front of my face.

 Baffled, I take the cup and take off the lid to check what it is, "Oh my God, you bought me coffee."

  "Of course." Harry smiles and I lean forward to turn the music a bit louder.

  "Who's this?" I ask Harry, pointing at the radio after I took a sip from my warm coffee.

  "Johnny Cash." Harry tells me and takes a sip from his own coffee cup.

  "Oh, I know him! They still play him on the radio?"

  "I barely listen to radio music. Most of the new music is just horrible. Well, at least in my opinion. But I rather listen to what I have on my playlist." Harry says and I look at the black phone that is resting on the middle divider.

 Interested, I unlock the it and go through his music. Harry listens to bands like The 1975 but also The Rolling Stones. Then there's a bit of Kodaline and Kid Rock, The Eagles and Walk The Moon. I have heard of all of them but I never really listen to my own playlists anyway. The only type of music I listen to is the shit they play at parties and to either Sam's favourite rappers or the songs he made with his old band.

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