06. sunrise

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Sunday, May, 28th 2017 - Medford, Oregon

Sam is still peacefully asleep when I wake up in the little tent we put up hours ago. A quick glance at my phone tells me that it is only six o'clock in the morning and of course the other's are not awake yet. Well, everyone except for me and a figure that is just getting out of its own tent.

Silently, I open my tent to get some fresh air. Sam rolls around and uses all the new gained space. I haven't slept this bad like in a long time.

When I stand up I see Harry in front of his own tent. The kiss from last night immediately comes back to my mind and I shudder.

"Good morning, Harry." I groan and rub my face.

"Mornin', baby." He replies and my head shoots up, my intense gaze meets his amused one.

"Are you out of your mind? Do you think this is funny?"

"No one's awake, calm down."

"We talked about this. It can't happen again." I tell him and cross the space between us to stand right in front of him.

Harry's green eyes are filled with amusement and I can't understand why. How can he take this situation so lightly? I'm not the only one who cheated, he did too. Did he lose all his feelings for Jess within 5 minutes? Has he ever loved her at all? I might not be head over heels for Sam but the guilt is still crushing me and Harry just seems to be content. Almost proud. Harry puts his large hands on my waist and it feels good—wrong but very good—to feel his skin on mine.

"I'm gonna...just, you know—I'll need a second." I say and push his hands off my waist to seek the same spot I was sitting at last night. The little place by the lake where Harry and I talked about star constellations...and kissed.

I shake my head in hopes of getting rid of this thought. I have never worried this much before. Usually, I take everything as it is. I have a bad grade in school, shít happens. I get in trouble, well shít but who cares.

But this is different and I care about Sam. He has always been a very good friend and now he is my boyfriend and I cheated on him with one of his friends. And to make it even worse I also cheated on my best friend who I've known forever.

All of a sudden I feel the same large hands on my waist again, slowly sliding underneath my shirt and I let it happen. I know exactly that this is not Sam. Harry's gentle touch is something I just need right now.

"You shouldn't be thinking so much about this," He whispers in my ear, "What happened to the carefree girl you were before we hooked up?"

"She is still there, just scared." I reply breathlessly and Harry spins me around but keeps his hands on my waist.

"What could we do to take this fear from you?"

"You could take three steps back and give me some space to breathe." I suggest and take his hands off my waist. Harry laughs but stays close.

His hand reaches out a bit and he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear before his lips break into a smirk. Suddenly he bents a bit and both his arms sling around my legs so when he stands up I'm hanging off his shoulder.

"Harry, oh my God, put me down!" I yell and quickly cover my mouth and hope that my screaming didn't wake the other's.

And then Harry runs while my fists are banging against his lean back. But Harry doesn't seem to be bothered by this. I can't see anything while he is running because my hair is blocking my view.

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