𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖 𝕤𝕠 𝔽𝕒𝕣

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Thinking/Meliodas: "Noob"
Yelling: "𝘼𝘼𝘼𝘼𝘼𝘼-"
Talking: "Poopoo"
Flashback: "DooDoo"
AllMight: "IM GAY"

It's been a few years since my first talk with Meliodas, I began to learn a lot about him and my new magic abilities, He had told me I had a limited amount of Magic usage but I could use way more efficiently and only The Sins themselves can use them, There are also obviously 6 Other Sins being Greed, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Envy and Pride. I am the Sin of Wrath so it isn't far off to say I might meet the other sins down the road, It also was a hard time explaining to my Mom

"I was a late bloomer mom! Look what I can do!" "THAT IS AMAZING SWEETIE!"

I now am able to produce these Oynx Black flames from my hands or my Sword Handle, speaking of which I also used the Broken Handle which was more useful than I let on especially for another Magic ability of mine being Full Counter, It allowed me to counter every Magic Attack back at the user with Twice the power

It was almost the end of Middle School as I was in class one day as all of us were sitting in class as the Teacher talked about how we would take an exam for our career choices that we would choose, Everyone including myself took a big sigh of annoyance "Really a Test now?" He then threw the papers up in the air "But it will be worthless cause I know you all want to try your hand at the Hero Course!" Everyone gave a cheer as they activated their quirks as I simply sat there as he then said out loud "Izuku I also heard you also assigned for the Hero course" and...Immediately everyone laughed- "BOLD OF HIM TO ASSUME HE CAN GET INTO U.A. WITHOUT A QUIRK" I simply said "Well they changed that rule so I can still get in" apparently someone slammed their hand on my desk "Do you really think a Quirkless guy like you can actually get into U.A." I nodded simply, I was going to be treated with a slap but a caught his hand "Man, This teacher is really bad at his job-" Which the teacher gasped but said nothing "Now can we get back along with class?" He guy grumbled, sitting back down in his desk

Later once the school day was over, I was putting everything in my bag, including my Hero note book but before I could do that someone with a quirk that extends their limbs grabbed it and took it away "My notebook—!?" He look at it "Ooooo this a diary??" I blinked at him "No— it's a hero notebook" He sighed "Of course it is you nerdy Deku" he threw it out the window "GOD-" he and his buddies laugh but soon the laughter stopped when I punched their leader square in the jaw and knocked him into the wall, completely breaking it "If you don't wanna end up like you're friend then you should stop bullying me and just go enjoy summer" The other two nervously nodded as they grabbed their leaders body running out, I went to the window where they threw my notebook out "Man your lucky cause if you weren't a Demon you would most likely die from this jump" I smiled "Well i'm not human anymore am I?" I jumped out landing safely near the pond where my notebook was as I took it out "Dumb Fish" I pouted as I wiped off my notebook putting it in my bag as I walked down the street and under the bridge where I usually go passing the sewer as I heard a weird and twisted voice from behind me "Eh!? Who are you!"

Later once the school day was over, I was putting everything in my bag, including my Hero note book but before I could do that someone with a quirk that extends their limbs grabbed it and took it away "My notebook—!?" He look at it "Ooooo this a d...

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The Villain came out the Sewer looking like he was sludge as I immediately set my hand ablaze in Oynx Flames "Come on kid! I need to use your body as a method to escape!" He pounced trying to land on me, But luckily I dodged blasting him with fire burning him greatly "ACK— DAMN YOUR STRONG YOU'LL BE A GREAT HOST ONCE I GET MY HANDS ON YOU" I kept my distance trying to blast him "I can't physically attack him, Since he is mostly made out of Sludge and that would basically be Suicide" Unfortunately for myself he got me and tried to suffocate me "Stop struggling it'll only make it worst!" I kept scratching on his skin burning him until eventually I put my hand on his face, Blasting him "AAAA— DAMMIT MY EYES" I got out as I took a breather sticking out my hand again "This is the end for you." I blasted him with fire one more time, completely burning him and his entire body only leaving a small batch of sludge "Ah Jeez- I gotta get out of here before i'm caught!" I ran immediately not wanting to get found by heroes as I thought "OH GOD, OH GOD I JUST KILLED SOMEONE I..I DIDN'T MEAN TO I JUST—" Meliodas comforted me "Hey it'll be okay, It was out of self defense and plus..Sometimes it will come down to killing."

To be continued..

Izuku the Revival of the Sin of Wrath: RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now