Collapse and Retribution

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The Father and Son we're at a stand still mid air, everyone waiting in anticipation on what will transpire next

Suddenly he grabbed his son by his wrist, bringing him up to look him in the eyes "When your father is talking to you y'know it's rude to not look him in the eye." Izuku then charged a fire attack from his mouth as he then was knee'd in the stomach, the attack dissipating "HAUCK-!"

He clutched his stomach with a hand, as he raised his sword hand "TAKE THIS!" He swung down the blade only for All For One to catch it with his hand "Such barbaric actions, But then again I can't exactly blame you for this berserk state of being you're in." He looked on completely shocked trying to force the blade to cut his hand.

This was met with a Scoff, as then. Blood.

Down below, Uraraka and the others currently still up and conscious looked in shock.

A Severed arm. Planted right on the Broken Arena, blood spewed from the severed arm as the sound of a painful scream could be heard "AAAAAAAAA-! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"

The Blade had also fell to the floor as it was still attached to the Arm, Suddenly his severed arm started to float as a Dark Stream of energy attached itself to it

"W-What's going on!?" Bakugo looked up at the arm floating in the air, as it flew off re-attaching itself to Izuku's missing arm "The Hell Is this...?"

Aizawa looked on with the others, having finished escorting people out of the building. Something had always rubbed him the wrong way with the Green Haired boy, He was going to have a talk to him after this... If he survives.

Izuku, re-attached his arm as he moved it. It looked good as new "I'm surprised! It seems your far more advanced in your skills than I thought." His father clapped his hands, Izuku could just feel how Condescending he was acting which only annoyed him more "STOP TREATING ME LIKE A DAMN CHILD!?" He escaped his grip, then kicking him in the stomach "How's that!" Only for a chuckle to be exchanged as he turned to him "Mind giving me another? I need to wake myself and your not helping in my fight against Slumber."

This earned an annoyed reaction from him, trying to sledgehammer into the floor though he dodged it and grabbed him by the face "I wonder how everyone will treat you after this? Could you be treated as a Demon, most likely."

Suddenly he could feel the heat on his palm increased as he backed up "Hm?" As he looked back towards Izuku "How dare you... EVER COMPARE ME TO THE LIKES OF YOU!" He yelled as the power oozed off him, The Marks on his body expanding "Such impulsive reactions, weird. You're way more mature than this from what i've heard."

He flew at him once again as he started to attack him rapidly, seemingly getting faster "Interesting. He's still getting stronger the longer it goes on to the point I have to dodge, This would be easier if I was completely healed and be at my full power-"

His train of thought was cut off, as he received a clean blow to the head as he staggered back "Finally! I got a clean blow!" He tapped his face, the bruise was visible "Eh? Why are you so silent, What happened to the crap you we're saying!" An evil flow of energy could be felt "You... ANIMAL." He proceeded to appear behind Izuku back handing him with his fist sending him to the floor

"Sorry, Lost a bit of myself. Let's end this little charade." He charged an attack from his finger tips, Izuku was trying to get up as he was out of breath

"IZUKU!!" Endeavor, Momo, Bakugo and Uraraka all make a charge at him going to protect him, Cementoss proceeded to make a wall to protect him "WE WON'T LET YOU!" As All For one saw all their attempts, proceeding to smile as he whispered something

Suddenly Dark tendrils with red highlights shot from his fingers piercing Cementoss's wall and coming from the other side, the Wall collapsed along with Izuku as he fell to the floor.

Everyone looked on Horrified as they saw the strongest person here, their student and or friend hit the floor and the marks retract and disappear, they got a closer look at him

"I-..Izuku.." Her voice cracked and went weak as she saw his body, He had been pierced right through the heart she clung to him as she held onto him "Please don't die-...!?"

Bakugo looked up furiously at the man who had done this to his best friend "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU! THAT'S YOUR KID! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO HIM."

This received a small chuckle from him "It was simply discipline." The Demon Marking disappeared from his forehead, was that always there??? Bakugo could only think it appeared after Izuku had struck him. "Plus I don't need to explain myself to you." He snapped his fingers as Sludge seemingly came from Shigiraki's mouth causing them to disappear.

Everyone in Class 1-A and Class B even, mourned as they surrounded his dead body.

Endeavor and the pro's looked on, simply ashamed in themselves as they had just let a child die because he protected him instead of the other way around.

"Please don't leave.. Don't leave us..." Uraraka's tears hit his face as all of a sudden he started to have a feint breath, this had everyone shocked especially Uraraka "PLEASE! PLEASE WAKE UP IZUKUUUU!" Suddenly the brunette started to glow before letting off a golden light, engulfing everyone and the surrounding area

Real Grass had started to glow over the fake grass, flowers blooming all around. Everyone suddenly felt completely rejuvenated all their injuries healing

"Wah.. my injuries! Their gone! I feel great!" Said Momo, everyone else feeling the same thing

"Uraraka what's happening!" Mina said shocked, as she looked up also confused "I-I don't know-!?" One of her eyes had seemingly changed as it was now a Color of Gold with a unique Pupil

The hole in Izuku's chest had also healed as he opened his eyes as he got up "What happened? Why is it all grassy and why are their flowers?-" "IZUKU!" He was immediately brought into a hug by Uraraka as he looked on "Uraraka

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The hole in Izuku's chest had also healed as he opened his eyes as he got up "What happened? Why is it all grassy and why are their flowers?-" "IZUKU!" He was immediately brought into a hug by Uraraka as he looked on "Uraraka.." He hugged back, as he looked up at everyone "Umm.. Hey guys!" Everyone else looked at him happy, some tearing up like Momo and Bakugo as everyone celebrated he was alive

"Thanks.. Though I wasn't exactly dead." He said, running his fingers through Uraraka's hair. This earned a confused reaction as Aizawa specifically spoke up "What do you mean? You we're shot through the heart. And while Uraraka's ability to heal may seem strong I doubt it can bring back organs." Almost on cue, Uraraka looked up to him "W-Why do I feel 6 Other heart beats..?"

This caused Izuku to turned somewhat red as he realized he was almost completely naked if not for his shorts, Uraraka turned red as she could feel his body heat visibly change "S-SORRY-! I FORGOT!" As Izuku responded "N-NO! I understand don't worry about it! But anyways to answer that.. Yea I have 6 Hearts. That's because..."

"Me and my Dad are Demons."

To be continued.

Izuku the Revival of the Sin of Wrath: RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now