Nearing the End of Round 1!

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The First Round was coming to an end, they're only 3 Matches Left. Those matches being:
Momo vs Tokoyami
Mina vs Aoyama
Kirishima vs TetsuTetsu
Last but not least, Uraraka vs Bakugo.

Speaking of Momo vs Tokoyami, the match was going to get underway. It started with Yaomomo and Tokoyami walking up to the Arena as they stared each other down, with Momo giving a bow of respect "I hope we can have a good fight Tokoyami." He responded in his own slight bow to not be disrespectful towards her, "So do me and Dark Shadow."

Present Mic then explained "Alright! We have the Spirit of the Earth Momo Yaoyorozu fighting against the Lord of Shadows Tokoyami!" Which Aizawa looked at him in seemingly annoyance?? It was hard for Mic to tell he was a literal mummy.

"There's no need to be so dramatic. Not like this is the finals or something." He said, closing his eyes as Mic sighed "Okay fine Eraser— Ahem."

"Ready? CLASH!" Tokoyami immediately summoned Dark Shadow, getting onto the attack. Momo proceeded to swing at Dark Shadow as to the surprise of both Tokoyami and Dark Shadow surprisingly overpowered the Shadow Bird driving him back "W-Woah-!" She was driving him back as he forcefully pushed him away towards Tokoyami, "I don't think you understand..-! Your not the one with the power here!" She started to rapidly attack Dark Shadow with a flurry of punches, Tokoyami realized he had to think outside the box "Dark Shadow kick up the floor!" As he said that Dark Shadow used one of its arms to punch the ground and kick up dust, blinding Momo "Eek-! My eyes!" Which was a innocent response right after the assault she had just started

Tokoyami summoned Dark Shadow as he tried to get an attack off on her, which he did with mild success as she didn't have time to use the rocks as she couldn't even see him. While it was a dirty move, it was very effective seemingly as he once again tried to get another attack. Unfortunately for him, she gained back her vision and retaliated

When the dust cleared, Tokoyami was once again on the back foot holding his side as he had been struck and it hit like a rock. pun intended, as Momo smiled "Give up Tokoyami! You unfortunately won't be able to beat me, My training has made me come a long way!" He groaned, "I'm sorry but I cannot give up!" He attacked again with Dark Shadow, this time however the banging of metal could be heard Shadow retreated back next to him "OWWWW-! That hurt!" His fist was comedically red as he was hurt

"How do you like my new technique!" She said as her arm was now full on metal as she then proceeded to say "Heavy Metal!" Her skin proceeded to turn into metal as she smiled "Just try and hurt me now!"

Meanwhile on the stands, Class A looked in shock along with the crowd "Wow Yaomomo became Metal-! Just like Kirishima becoming a Rock!" Said Mina, Izuku was simply taking mental notes "Her Strength & defensive capabilities and must've sky rocketed.."

On the Class B side of the spectrum, Itsuka Kendo looked amazed "Wow! She's just like you Tetsu!" As she said this, TetsuTetsu only looked on..somewhat annoyed "Eh!? She's stealing my ability dammit!" Which only got a sigh from the Orange Haired Girl "Your hopeless.."

Back onto the fight Tokoyami couldn't hope to even match anymore as even the strategy of blinding her didn't work as moving and or hurting her was practically impossible as most attempts would only result in Dark Shadow getting hurt. She dashed at him, he tried to send Dark Shadow at her only for her to duck and knee him right in the stomach "BLAH-!?" He spat out blood as he was knee'd out of the ring, Yaomomo winning the match as she leaped out of bounds to help him up, returning back to normal "I-I'm Sorry-! Was that too much?" She put his hand over he shoulder as he breathed "Y-Yes.. a little excessive—"

She gave him over to the recovery robots, while apologizing profusely somewhat comedically tearing up, "I'm sorry I'm sorry I went too far like I do usually-!" She was forgiven thankfully

The next match was Mina Todoroki vs Yuga Aoyama, "We have the Wind Princess Mina Todoroki! Fighting the flashiest student Yuga Aoyama!" It made Mina somewhat happy as she smiled at the nickname "Wind Princess.. Hm.. I should that of that as my Hero Name soon-!" Which received a smile from Present Mic "Ready? CLASH!" Yuga started to shoot lasers trying to stay at long range

Mina simply held her hands out, flicking a finger as a gust of wind hit Yuga right in the stomach, comedically knocking him out of the ring giving him one of the worst stomach aches having hit him right in the stomach.

Mina looked somewhat in disappointment as she sighed "That didn't last as long as I wanted it too..."

To be Continued.

Authors Note: Okay finally we're going to the second round soon, just gotta do TetsuTetsu vs Kirishima and Bakugo vs Uraraka we're almost there people stay with me!

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