Battle Tournament! Izuku vs Shinsou!

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Midnight proceeded to commence the drawing to determine who would fight who in the tournament, "Alright let's see who's fighting who!" She drew the pairings as soon, it appeared on screen as the matchings we're all on screen

Izuku Midoriya vs Hitoshi Shinso
Shoto Todoroki vs Hanta Sero
Denki vs Nirengeki
Tenya Ida vs Mei Hatsume
Yuga Aoyama vs Mina Ashido
Fumikage Tokoyami vs Momo Yaoyorozu
Ejiro Kirishima vs Ojiro Mashirao
Katsuki Bakugo vs Ochaco Uraraka

Izuku looked towards the screen, it was seemingly Izuku going up against Shinso. He turned to him, he never actually saw his powers now that he thought about it, for his information he is going into this battle completely blind. While Shinso will most likely have a common grasp on what Izuku could do giving him the upper hand in the up-coming battle

Sero, on the other hand was ABSOLUTELY A TRAIN WRECK. He realized he had to fight one of the strongest people in his class, not to mention he could fly, make vines and..use that pillow to grab him- it was practically a lose lose game, but would it stop him from trying when the time came, of course not! He's gonna try his best

Bakugo sort of looked at Uraraka "Hm? So i'm fighting you this round?" Which made Uraraka completely nervous, she had recently been suffering from the fact she feels like she had done barely anything of value. Despite having helped during the Calvary

However before the battles actually started a few students dropped out of the Tournament such a Ojiro and Nirengeki, which confused and shocked lots of their classmates "EHHHHH!!!?" They then explained their reason as Nirengeku spoke up for himself first, "I didn't exactly get to choose who I got to team with plus.. I felt almost forced to be apart of their team as they exploited my nightmares just to do so.. I don't feel as if I should move on." Ojiro nodded in agreement "It felt so real.. I acted irrationally but made it by anyways. I shouldn't have made it. Which is why I would also like to drop out." Midnight looked at them and nodded "Alright, if you two are entirely sure I will gladly let you drop out. Which means.." She looked over at TetsuTetsu and Ibara "You two get to join in the place of our two missing opponents!" Which as much as it shocked the two, TetsuTetsu was thrilled "WOOHOO! YES!"

The Green haired boy looked on somewhat saddened he never exactly known Ojiro but he felt bad regardless but he suddenly felt the weight of his hand on his shoulder "Midoriya.. Watch out for Hitoshi. I don't know how he does it. But he can access your worst nightmares and fears, I don't know to what extent though; so you need to he careful" He turned to the tail man as he nodded "Alright thanks for the advice" He nodded back "No problem, I just wouldn't want you to lose yourself like I did" He walked off as the First Match was going to get underway.

Eventually, Shinso and Izuku are called up to the arena, "For this match we have Izuku Midoriya! Vs Hitoshi Shinso!" Present mic announced, as both Izuku and Shinso walk up to the ring slowly. The two stood their ground, looking eye to eye silence filling the air. "Ready? CLASH!" As soon as those words we're said, Hitoshi took his hands out as two bows formed from it "Double Bow: Herrit" as Izuku looked on in shock "That's Gowther's sacred treasure Midoriya! Don't let him hit you with an arrow!" He then proceeded to charge up an attack, "ReWrite Light!" Suddenly beams of light appeared out of from his chest, "OH CRAP-!"

Izuku jumped up, however he didn't expect the arrows to track him as he flew was hit by an arrow as suddenly he felt drowsy as he landed on his back of the ring, he was transported somewhere from long ago


Izuku opened his eyes, he looked around. "Where am I..?" He was back in his middle school uniform as he was at a familiar bridge, but he couldn't quite remember as he walked down under it, he felt it ta- No call to him.

He looked around, their was seemingly mucus everywhere, was it sludge? He for some reason didn't remember or didn't want to remember. He didn't exactly know himself, "Am I missing something or..?"

Suddenly he was trapped, the sludge enclosing him as it formed the sludge creature that tried body-napping him but he looked somehow more deformed, he constantly looked as if he was on the verge of collapsing in on himself, he had one eye and blood was drawing out the other "Murderer!" He yelled in a deformed and echoing voice, Izuku tried clawing his way out the sludge was strangling him as he cried. He remembered it. He killed that man. That lowly criminal, he had killed him by burning him to death, he was reminded was the slight burns on the sludge as he instead of giving up clawed harder

"No-! No I didn't mean to! I didn't want to!" He clawed more aggressively, his hands naturally almost by instinct catching fire, as his demon marking appeared he was able to utter out a few words "I DIDNTTTTTTT!"

Invasion End.

Shinso was watching, Midoriya on the outside was clawing at his hair. As he walked slowly he explained, "This is my ability invasion. Or this version, would be called Nightmare Teller. I can remind someone of a past traumatic event in their life and retell it to them in a horrific manner." He walked up, getting in a stance for a punch until.

It was caught, He was still looking down as he just mumbled, "I didn't mean it." This shocked Shinso, he tried to back his fist up but Izuku had a firm grip on it, it was agonizing as he tried to back up, it felt as if his arm would snap off. However a part of him couldn't help but interest him, nobody had ever reacted this way to his invasion before.

They would usually just simply break down and lose their will to go on with a fight, Midoriya however with a head lift was completely and utterly enraged. The Demon Marking in full glory and maybe glowing a bit, the ground cracked and quaked under him kicking up dust

Thankfully the purple haired boy kicked Izuku's hand away with his leg actually damaging the boy a bit as he kept his distance, charging another re-write light "Take this!"

The light's all charged in on him, he suddenly held his hand out. As it suddenly grew into a giant claw protecting him from the arrows, this astonished the purple haired boy as he thought. Midoriya had adapted and grew from that one experience from trauma and anger drawing his power from that. He wanted to experiment but it would feel wrong, he was also sort of jealous. "It must be nice having such a good quirk!-" this earned a confused reaction from Izuku

"Good quirk..?" His demon marking faded, as he continued "It must be nice to have a heroic quirk!" This earned a somewhat sorrowful expression from him slowly understanding

Flash Back

Every Since Shinso had figured out his quirk, his class was afraid of him. Terribly so. They would keep their distance and not even notice him.. He tried to make friends but they'd all usually run from him

However he kept himself busy somehow, usually by studying the human anatomy. He was interested by the human mind and how it worked, human emotions and many things of the sort.

He never was accepted, usually called a villain cause his quirk, as the one thing on his mind would usually be "Can I..Be a hero?"

FlashBack End

Midoriya understood, sighing as his demon mark went away, "Well..I think you're quirk is pretty useful." He smiled. It was a genuine happy and understanding one, Shinso didn't understand.... He had just completely screwed with his head and mind with his own memories in an exaggerated manner and he..was fine with it?

His thoughts were cut off by a right hook, sending him back "It doesn't matter what type of quirk it is—!" He tried to recover, gasping for breath as he received a left hook "What matters is what you make of it!" He went for a stomach blow, but Shinso had caught it, but he was being driven back to the edge as he punched Izuku in the face "LET GO OF ME—!" He was flustered, he was bewildered he completely didn't understand why he was acting this way

Izuku put another hand on his shoulder, still forcing him to the edge as he yelled at him, reeling his fist back "As long as you can become a Hero with it?! How can people call it.. A Villains quirk!" His fist lit on fire, punching Shinso right in the stomach and sending him out of bounds and off the ring

Izuku Midoriya has won.

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