UnWanted Visitors

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Todoroki sat in the waiting room, taking off his bandages as he waited to be called.

"Todoroki?" A voice called to him, he turned and to his surprise; it was Yaoyorozu as she walked over to him "I didn't expect you to be here" said the Dual Haired boy as Momo laughed a little "Sorry for I surprised you!" She inhaled as she continued "When you win, I want you to go all out like you did against Midoriya."

This earned a somewhat shocked reaction from him, "R-Really? Are you sure?" She nodded "Yes! I wanna gauge my strength compared to yours. I want to get up to that incredible display of power you and Midoriya showed!" Todoroki, was quite flabbergasted he wasn't really use to being complimented on his strength as his father would only ever tell him to improve.

He got up, looking at her "You don't need to prove yourself you know. I think your very strong as is, I am sure that lots of pro's would like to accept you." She shook her head "Noooo! It's not about that!" This response called him to raise a brow "What is this about then?"

Suddenly she put both her hands on his face, "Because I want you to be honest with me." Todoroki fell silent as he just continued to look shock "A way someone fights can tell a story and what they've been through and I could tell through that fight... you've been through so much."

Todoroki felt her touch soften, it was like his mother was talking to him all over again. The nice times, oh where have they gone he thought to himself. "I want to learn about you and everyone. I want to understand your struggles and help you through them, I want to be the friend you've never had before." She backed away from him as he could feel his heart, he swore it skipped a beat or two.

"Why." She perked up "Why are you telling me all this..?" He looked away, trying to figure out this and why his heart was beating faster. "That's because I wanna know you, I wanna help all my friends, I want to be with everyone and help as many lives I can for the better." She backed up, going to the door before turning back to him and giving a smile

"Because that's the will of the Earth and Me." Todoroki's face slightly lit up as he smiled "Fine. If that's what you wish for." He couldn't exactly describe it, all he could think is "I want to make True and Life Lasting Friends out of the people."

Suddenly his name was called, as he walked out the room. Walking down the hall he felt hopeful and happy as he walked down in-which he finally saw the light "This Match we have the Prince of uhh... Prince of the No.1 Hero Endeavor! Sorry I forgot for a moment— fighting against another member of a Family of heroes! Tenya Iida!"

The crowd cheered, it sounded exciting. The No.1 Heroes Son fighting against the Son of a Family who's children have been raised to be heroes. The prospect was exciting, at least the prospect of it.

It wasn't really a fair fight, Iida struggled the entire time. Todoroki's ability to fly made it so hard for him to actually attack in this setting, especially since he was a close range fighter. Even Recipro Burst wouldn't help him, the gap in abilities was too large as he was simply outclassed

This resulted in Todoroki's victory as he simply gave a respectful "It was a good fight." To Iida to maybe console him as he walked out the ring, Iida following until he saw Izuku and Ochaco

"Ah hello you two." They looked seemingly worried "Are you alright? You got beat pretty bad." Izuku said, looking worried

Iida didn't know why.. when he heard this. He felt his blood start to boil. He didn't need to be reminded as he sighed holding it in "It's alright Midoriya. I was simply out classed by his strength and abilities, I had no chance." He felt like a disgrace, he had disappointed his family at least that's what he felt like happened as he walked past he could only beg to his brother to forgive him.

Izuku the Revival of the Sin of Wrath: RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now