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"How could you forget.. The face of the man you killed!?"

"You took my Brother Ingenium from me! And I came here to take you down in his stead!"

Stain looked at him, Squinting at him— Focused on the look in his eye. "Those eyes... I can see the vengeance within them." He pointed his Katana at him "Real heroes shouldn't be seeking vengeance you know; You've been searching for exactly that closure of vengeance."

"I want you to remember the name Ingenium!; That'll be the Hero that takes you down once and for all!" Tenya spouted— Stain grimacing in this "I want you to know if you leave right now I might spare your life, i'm not against killing children if I have to."

He revved up his engines as he attacked furiously, with Stain dodging to the side— "Learn your place." He jumped as kicked Iida straight in the leg "TCH—!?" This caused him to spin out and land on his face, skidding on the ground.

"Why you..!?" He tried to get up, but suddenly he felt the pain in his leg hit him all at once "M-My Leg—!? What did you do to my leg!?" He couldn't move it, it was completely broken in one hit— His face was slammed into the concrete again by Stain's foot

"Wanna know why you and your brother lost against me?" He stabbed him through the shoulder— "It's because your both fake Heroes." He licked his blood stained sword

Suddenly as if an electric static flew through his body, Tenya felt numb. Almost every part of his body besides his head was completely frozen— "What the—!? What is this!?" Stain looked down at him "This is my quirk, to dumb it down for you; it paralyzes the person whenever I lick their blood from the waist down, meaning your nothing but bait for me now."

Tenya looked horrified, Tears started rolling down his face "No... No—!? It can't end like this! I need to avenge Tensei and kill you with my own hands...!" His voice cracked

Stain looked down at the boy— "So sad, all that bravado turned into nothing but crumpled paper on the floor" He crouched to meet Tenya eye to eye "Tell you what kid, i'll show you a little secret of mine. Not that you'll live to tell anyone, plus I feel pity for you."

He started to undo his mask, causing Tenya to gasp slightly "Need you to pay attention reaaal good for me hero." He put the mask in his hand once it was all undone and what Tenya saw shook him to the core

"Wait... it can't be!?"

"But it can be."

Tenya could feel it, he could almost taste it

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Tenya could feel it, he could almost taste it. This felt similar to Midoriya back at the Heroes vs Villains exam. Though it looked more like cogs in a machine rather than a general mark.

"But how!? I thought Midoriya was the only one with that quirk!" He could tell it felt exactly the same, though this one felt stronger dwarfing what he felt back in the Hero vs Villains exercise

Izuku the Revival of the Sin of Wrath: RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now