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The exam was over, I was on the way out of U.A. As I heard a voice "Heyyy! Wait!" I turned around, it was the same girl I met that saved me from hitting my face "O-Oh Heya! It's you again!" I said, nervously rubbing the back of my neck, she then bowed and said "Thank you for saving my life in the Entrance Exam!" I started to blush as I flailed my hands around "OH— NONONO ITS OKAY, I MEAN NOBODY ELSE WAS GONNA DO IT— PLUS I WANTED TO PAY YOU BACK—" And she responded "But you're save was more significant than mine!" It was a back and forth of who saved who better as Bakugo just looked at us from what I could see "Uhhh Earth to love birds? You guys gonna go home—?" We both jumped as I rubbed the back of my head "Oh Sorry Bakugo! I sorta forgot you were there if i'll be honest-" He snickered "Relax Relax, Let's get goin or our moms are gonna piss themselves from how worried they are about us,
well not mine she'll probably get the belt— but anyways" He walked forward his bag being held over his shoulder "Oi wait up—!" I said running after him, Ochaco following close behind "Come on try and keep up!" He said, running off chuckling as Ochaco proceeded to somewhat struggle I kept up with Bakugo completely normally "Wow you're pretty fast!" He said as I grinned at him "You're not the only fast guy around!" I looked over at Bakugo, "So where's your stop at?!" He answered back at me "I live over like a few miles away!" I don't know why I felt like he would say that as he suddenly stopped, I stopped also confused, "Welp I gotta go to the right here, i'll gladly see you two later" I nodded, "Sure bud it was a pleasure meeting you" Ochaco slowly caught up as she breathed heavily, I went over patting her back "A-are you okay???" She nodded "m-mhm.." I turned back "But yea see—" ANDDDDD HE WAS GONE. "Izuku why are you just looking in the distance—" Sighing I just turned back around "It's nothing important-"

Katsuki Bakugo P.O.V.

After just hitting the dash on him I was just strolling along not really paying attention as suddenly "ACK—" I ran into someone as we fell off each other, I hit my head on the concrete pathing as I rubbed the back of my bleeding head "OI WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING YOU-!" I looked up seeing two people standing over me, One was some guy with white and red hair scar on his face the other was a girl she wore a long white dress, she was pink in skin tone, her hair matching the tone of her skin as I got up "Jeez my heads killing me" the girl apologized, "I'm sorry about that I was too focused on something else online that I didn't see what was in front of me" she bowed slightly seemingly very mature for someone my age, "Eh..It isn't much of a problem-" she started to introduce herself "I'm Mina Todoroki! This is my brother Shoto Todoroki" he seemed so bored and even tired to a degree as he raised his hand "Hello." I just awkwardly waved back as I just realized something, "Why does he have a pillow—" I pointed at the pillow which was green and has darker green spots

" I just awkwardly waved back as I just realized something, "Why does he have a pillow—" I pointed at the pillow which was green and has darker green spots

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I just looked at him awkwardly as silence filled the air "...No seriously why-" Shoto just bluntly said "Why should I tell someone who I just met." As before Mina was seemingly gonna scold him I just said "Fair enough-" I just sighed "Well i'll be on my way you two, see ya later" I said just running off, just having the feeling, y'know it felt like I met them by pure coincidence? By chance, fate even? Meh that's stupid who the hell came up with that saying anyways?? Well it doesn't matter to me I just felt in my bones we we're gonna become friends even though it sounds hypocritical to what I just said "They seem...Odd." I said before just booking it home

Yea I am sorry to those who enjoy this to have to experience a long hiatus, I just been really feeling burnt out ever since I lost the access to my old account and have to re-write this whole story so expect less frequent chapters to come out anyways, See ya round PLUS ULTRA

Izuku the Revival of the Sin of Wrath: RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now