Grand Finale of Round 1

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Talking - "Argh"
Announcing - "WOWIE"
Internal thoughts "Amog Us"

The second to last fight of Round 1 is currently going underway

Kirishima and TetsuTetsu Clash fist, Kirishima hits Tetsu with a gut punch, TetsuTetsu does the same. TetsuTetsu knees Kirishima's face; He retaliates with a uppercut making Tetsu Tetsu's head snap backward

While this even match is going on, Ochaco Uraraka was in the waiting room. She was noticeably worried and somewhat stressed as she had to fight the seemingly immortal and Ash blonde classmate of hers in the next round, Izuku knocked on the door to her room "Can I.. Come in?" She somewhat jumped but turned to the door "O-Of course Izu-kun! Come in!" The Green haired boy opened the door as he walked towards her "The Fifth match went by in a flash, even the sixth fight is coming to a near end." She nervously chuckled "Yea... Next match after that is Me against Bakugo" The boy looked at her, feeling somewhat worried, however at that same time Iida walked in trying to reassure her, "I'm sure that he'll go easy on you since you're a girl!" He said doing his classic hand chopping motion, Izuku looked at him "He isn't the type of person to hold back on someone based off gender yknow." He turned back to Uraraka "However... I know how he fights. I could try and help you try to come up with a counter measure for him so-" She waved him off "Thanks Izu-kun.. Really I appreciate it but.. I wanna prove my independence and show how good I am on my own!" She raised her arm, this caused the boy's eyes to widen as he was mesmerized by her attitude. "O-Okay.."

She got up, looking at them "Oh Yea-! Congratulations on your win against Hatsume, Iida." He nodded "Ah, Thank you Uraraka-kun" Izuku just looked at her still worried "I'm still worried are you sure you don't want help.." she looked at him smiling, "Nope! I been relying on you guys so much, I wanna prove my independence and how strong I am on my own!" His eyes sparkled, he swore he could see actual light beaming off her face, "A-Alright.. if you say so."

She walked out to watch, with the two following. Izuku still couldn't get this nerve-racking feeling out of the pit of his stomach, he felt as if he would barf but he didn't understand why. It wasn't a fight to the death so why did he feel so..bothered. "Your getting that feeling aren't ya? The feeling of worry despite knowing it'll all be fine." He answered back to him "Yea.. I am." The blonde Midget sighed, "I felt that way when Elizabeth was by herself too, combine that with your hero complex thing you have and yea..No worries though! It'll all be okay." This reassure him, as he gave a deep inhale "Thanks."

The rest of the classes and audience watched in awe, the battle of Kirishima and TetsuTetsu was coming to an end. Both we're tired and bruised they charged at each other, screaming "RAAHHHHH—!" "RAAHHHHH—!" They mash their fist into each others face as they both fell back, unable to continue. Midnight proceeded to wave her flag "Neither Kirishima or TetsuTetsu can continue! This match is a draw!"

The crowd cheered, both students we're transferred to the recovery room to be healed by Recovery Girl. The next match was going to be Ochaco Uraraka vs Bakugo Katsuki, both of them got up with Bakugo walkimg away. Uraraka simply stopped and gave a thumbs up to Izuku "I'll see you in the finals..!" She said shaking trying to be optimistic despite her current situation.

They both stood on opposite sides of the ring, Uraraka looked on trying to look confident but also was very worried, Bakugo looked at her serious which wasn't like him "So, Uraraka. You sure you don't wanna give up? I'm not gonna hold back y'know." She looked at him, as she swallowed her fear and doubt "No—! I'm not gonna give up! How can I every think of being a hero if I give up when I gotten so far in the festival!" This earned a grin from the Ash Blonde boy "Good good! I like that attitude!"

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