Pro Hero Hawks

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"Wow uhh.. Thanks, I needed that Tokoyami."

"It's alright I understand."

"Well see ya! Thanks for the conversation"

"Midoriya- We both go on the same Train."


They both awkwardly entered the train, soon enough the train started moving across the rails as Izuku turned to Tokoyami "Soooo, Who do you think our Sensei is gonna be like?"

"Hm.. I can imagine them being somewhat like Aizawa-Sensei, a Wise but stern and strict person." As he said this he imagined their sensei sternly staring at them.

A brow raised "Really? I kind of expect it to be like Midnight Sensei or something" he imagined their Sensei to be very cheerful and outgoing

"I would doubt that, most Pro Heroes are professionals after-all so they most likely act professional as well." Which he was kinda right about.

"Yea I guess your right"

Eventually they had made it too their stop, Kyushu Japan.

It was well known this place was 3rd Largest of the Four Main Islands in Japan, It seemed pretty mainstream to where they lived

"So, Aizawa-Sensei told us to look for a Hero Office somewhere here." He proceeded to walk around Tokoyami in toe

"Do we even know what these buildings look like?"

"Yea, Their a Green and Pink building, we'll be able to sign up to Hawks' Agency there."

"Oh I see, Though. Do we even know where we have to go to find it."


This response was followed by almost uhh...Half an Hour of Searching for the Hero Office, possibly even longer—

Eventually they did find the building, though it was very time consuming. It was all worth it in the end as they could FINALLY sign up for their damn Hero Agency.

Once getting outside of the building they we're happy they finally made it, "Alright! Now we can sign up for our Hero Agency!" Izuku pumped his fist in the air happily.

"After almost more than Half-an-hour."

"..Yea, But that's okay! C'mon lets go sign up for it!" They entered the building, looking around they saw many Heroes either at their age or older. All signing up for Hero work in the office

"So many Heroes.." Izuku was left mesmerized at the sight, while Tokoyami looked ahead "Let's head to the front desk, then we'll be able to sign up for Hawks Agency."

This caused him to snap back to reality "Huh- Oh Yea! I kinda was focused on everything else, my bad" they walked up to the front desk, with Tokoyami responding to him "That's alright, I guess all these Heroes here would be somewhat overwhelming."

Once getting to the front desk, they we're greeted by a seemingly nice Woman "Hello you two how can I help you today?"

"We're here to sign up for our Agency, for Hawks"

Izuku the Revival of the Sin of Wrath: RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now