Calvary Struggle PT.2

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Immediately a rush of students went after Team Midoriya all at once just to get the highest chance of winning the whole thing off the bat

Izuku realizing the situation just casually stated "Here's the plan..We all... RUN THE HELL AWAY." He says as the team tries to book it, suddenly the ground soften and they started to sink

"Oh you're not escaping that easily!" Said Juzo from Class B as it seemed he had been the one to do this

Izuku using his quick thinking turns on the jetpack he was given to by Hatsumei as they used it to escape from the ground, Uraraka suddenly made everyone float for increased mobility however the ever oblivious Midoriya stated "You're babies are am...

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Izuku using his quick thinking turns on the jetpack he was given to by Hatsumei as they used it to escape from the ground, Uraraka suddenly made everyone float for increased mobility however the ever oblivious Midoriya stated "You're babies are amazing Hatsumei!" As Hatsumei thanked him for the compliment

This triggered a sudden jealous response from the Gravity Girl as she mumbled "I'm also making you guys float y'know.." however; this went unnoticed as Kyoka attacked using her earjacks which Dark Shadow blocks causing her ear jacks to retreat

"Dammit! Dark Shadow is protecting them!" However before she could try to help her team think of a new plan of attack, suddenly their headband was taken by none other than the guy Bakugo got into an argument with that being Neito Monoma as he just made a snarky remark "And this is the class suppose to be better than us? What a joke..however." He turned showing interest in team Midoriya not the team but their leader in itself, he had heard the boy was strong and could probably fight on levels like of Pro Heroes, as he thought "What kind of quirk could you have that makes you so strong..Midoriya."

Team Midoriya is once again put on edge as team Mineta started to barrage them with their quirks, Mineta being surprisingly the most troubling with the team finding out that his the balls on his head being able to stick them to the floor as then suddenly Midoriya was attacked by Tsu, who's tongue flew past him as their team captain had luckily ducked out the way before they could lose the headband, Izuku once again uses the jetpack once again. The bottom of it breaking due to the fact that it was stuck on Mineta's sticky ball

However they were met in the air by Todoroki who attacks with Chastiefol "Spirit Spear Chastiefol, From Two: Guardian." As a sudden stuffed bear appeared from his Chastiefol as it started to choke Dark Shadow, Dark Shadow barely being able to defend against it as it screamed from being squeezed "GET OFF HIM!" Midoriya said as he shot fire which caused Shoto to retreat as he flew back down

Suddenly his team headband was nearly snatched however, Momo was able to make a wall of Stone which blocked off and stopped whoever was trying to get their headband as they retreated "You're power is amazing Yaoyorozu" Todoroki said with a slight smile, with Momo looking at him with a surprised look then a smile as well. With Denki and Ida yelling in unison "NOW ISNT THE TIME YOU TWO."

On the other side of the wall, happened to be Monoma's team again as their leader was sort of frustrated, what didn't help Monoma's frustration was their headbands and points, suddenly flying off Monoma's head as they looked in the direction they flew at seeing as a certain Ash Blonde gripped onto them "Heh, Nice. A few more points" he had at least 900 Points now which would guarantee him Second Place "No need to go for first, we just need to advance to the next round"

THIS ONLY PISSED OFF MONOMA MORE SINCE THAT WAS HIS IDEA, but as much as he'd like Revenge he needed to be able to move on so he scoffed "We'll hopefully get him back later! Let's just try and advance" he thought that placing low to observe Class A would be the right play but it clearly was shown he was outmatched, the only way he thought his team could make a comeback is if he copied Midoriya's power, he wasn't even able to see it. But the brief experience he felt in the Obstacle Race, his power was overwhelming imagine his intellect with that power. He'd easily be able to make Class A and even some pro's see his worth but these thoughts would only hinder his progress

It eventually got to the half way point as Todoroki thought this was the only time he could get Midoriya's headband

So far, Team Midoriya was first, Team Bakugo in Second, Team Shinso in Third and Team Tetsu Tetsu in Fourth. All other teams besides Todoroki, Midoriya and Team Rin had no points left

While Team Midoriya is sort of chilling they see and hear teams struggling as they saw Denki Electrifying other teams and Shoto wrapping them all in vines, Momo had thankfully blocked the electricity using rock and stone

Team Midoriya was backed into a corner as they couldn't flee, Dark Shadow attacked Momo but she made a rock shield to stop it and it's not like Team Todoroki had to worry, Momo was so strong she could literally carry Todoroki with one hand, not even talking about her Giant Form meaning she could easily touch the ground and allow herself to create things like shields of rock

Todoroki made a Vine Wall that would make even a member of class B ashamed of their quirk, as the two teams were at a stand still, Todoroki's team was now able to advance to the next round and could've just left them alone.. However Todoroki's drive to prove his superiority to Midoriya didn't allow that even though if things went bad they would be knocked out the festival

The Two Stood suddenly all the teams and even some teachers could feel the insurmountable pressure the two emitted

"It Seems that Team Midoriya and Team Todoroki have finally met eye to eye don't leave now folks as I can tell! This is gonna be where things get exciting as this IS THE HALF WAY POINT!"

Internally Meliodas rubbed the bottom of his nose in excitement "Jeez! I don't think I ever fought King before so this is gonna get interesting!"

The voice now known as King spoke somewhat threw Shoto too "Hm, what a twist of fate..Alright I won't lose to you Meliodas!"

To Be Continued...

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