Night Before Massacre

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Happy Almost Halloween Guys, Just wanna say sorry for not posting much I have SAT's soon. That's why I been focus on irl stuff instead.

Enjoy this chapter tho.

Night had nearly fallen upon Hosu City. Families we're hustling and bustling out of stores, as their children wanted costumes for this year of Halloween.

Over this lively city however; stood a man with a burning conviction. The Hero Killer Stain, He looked at the city below

"Where the hell is he.. He promised he'd meet with me before night fall." He was waiting specifically for someone, stabbing his blade into the ground as he waited.

He could only look in spite, this society; Hell, this world was filled with nothing by Cardboard cut outs. Fakes, Liars and Hollow people they called Heroes, these people didn't work for Justice he thought. They only worked because it benefited them and filled their insatiable ego's.

His train of thought was cut off however, a Portal showing up behind him; causing him to turn "Took you long enough, I been waiting for what feels like hours."

The Portal seemingly spoke in an ominous tone, "My Apologies Hero Killer, Follow the Portal and you shall meet with everyone accordingly."

He took his blade out the floor, putting it back in it's pouch as he walked through the portal closing behind him, It felt almost surreal it was nothing but Darkness until he came out the other side.

It was a Bar or a Tavern of sorts

There was a Poster of Endeavor, clawed out on the wall that he could see as bright as day

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There was a Poster of Endeavor, clawed out on the wall that he could see as bright as day. The Portal then shut behind him, he then focused on the man sitting on one of the chairs. He had Teal colored hair from what he could see and a Hand on his face, in front of him was seemingly the man who brought him here.

"You must be the Villains who attacked U.A..." He looked at the two, he had heard of the attack on the USJ and Sports Festival. They made quite the names for themselves throughout the two times they've attacked.

"Hero Killer, It's quite a pleasure to meet you." Said the Teal Haired man, as he spun his chair towards him. Then getting up and walking to him "I'm Tomura Shigiraki, I would like to welcome you here to the League."

He took a look at the man once he finally got to see him face to face, or face to hand at least "Cut the Crap. What the hell are so important about your goals that you wanted me to join in your group of misfits, I don't have all the time in the world." The man then laughed a bit "I want to kill Endeavor and destroy anything that is unsatisfactory to our world that we envision such as the Students from U.A."

This somewhat annoyed the Hero Killer, a reason such as this was stupidly childish of him "There isn't an ounce of bloodshed within a cause like this."

The Portal man seemingly was going to stop him, however a Man in a Suit walked out of the back putting a hand on his shoulder. He told him something but Stain couldn't make anything of it.

"What do you mean?" He was seemingly confused "How can you expect me to agree to join such a Childish cause with an Amateur man child like you." This seemingly set him off as he lunged at him

He watched him, as he dodged the attack with ease by spinning on his heel and elbowing him straight in the stomach, this caused him to recoil back. He followed up by him sweeping his legs, then pinning him on the floor by stepping on his left arm. Proceeding to incapacitate his right arm by stabbing his shoulder with one dagger, and putting a knife up to his neck.

"Kurogiri—! Take him away right this instant!" However he didn't move, Stain didn't remember using his quirk on him but that made it easier for him.

"This Society is Flawed. It's filled with nothing but fakes claiming to be our saviors while they throw their power against Villains timelessly." He went for the killing blow and he nearly did however the Man in the tuexdo stopped his advance towards the neck immediately.

"That's enough Hero Killer, You will not be killing my disciple on my wooden floor board." He tried to cut his neck, he took a good look at the man.

" He tried to cut his neck, he took a good look at the man

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It was All for One, the Symbol of evil. Stain immediately backed up "The Symbol of Evil-!? What the hell are you doing here!"

This earned a laugh from him "Simple, I am the Leader of this organization known as the League of Villains. I was going to let you and Tomura go on and on about your ideals but I couldn't just let you kill him oh no no no." He laughed, turning around and shaking his head

"Thank you Master.."

"Now Stain, How about you tell him why exactly you won't join." He wanted to be angry but he was too afraid; afraid that if he spoke out of turn that would be the end of him

"Tch.." He sucked his teeth as he did as told "Besides the Goal we have to destroy this society, we have different goals.. though I can just see from him despite his current view. There is a crooked creed deep within him, I can only wonder what it'll sprout."

All For One nodded, "Thank you for your time, Kurogiri. Return him to Hosu." The Misty man now known to him as Kurogiri nodded, warping him back to Hosu

Hosu Hero Office.

Tenya Iida had arrived back at the Office after patrol, He greeted some of his colleagues. He greeted them with a smile, making his way towards his own quarters.

He sat down in a chair, thinking "The Hero Killer Stain... I am starting to figure you out." Throughout this day he had time. Lots of it to do his own research, he wanted to avenge his older brother; he told himself this as it grew and grew. It had been festering in his heart ever since the News.

During this time, he had solved the Hero Killer. He figured out a sort of.. attack pattern kinda like a boss in a JRPG, "I'm sure that.. He'll be here to attack 3 More Pro heroes." He clenched his fist, in a silent rage.

"I need you to appear Stain.. So I can kill you via my own hands. Just like how you did to Tensei."

To Be Continued.


I'm just as excited as you guys probably are and if you aren't yet still reading this thanks for at least trying to read the story

I will probably post the Next Chapter on the 30th or 31st of October somewhere around there, anyways

Hope ya'll enjoy and i'll see you guys around.

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